Thursday, 18 September 2014

HERE COMES THE "GAGA" Lady Gaga Strips Naked For New Photos

The controversial singer stripped naked and let her staff take photos of her. Lady Gaga loves controversy, and that’s why she wears clothing that will stir it up or just doesn’t wear any.Lady-gaga-naked-MediaHoarders3

She went with the latter choice this time as she visited Athens in Greece and let her staff take photos of her while she was naked.

Gaga first of all showed off her body in a pink thong, see-through skirt and a silver seashell bra and then later decided to go topless.The star shared the pictures of herself via Instagram.  Are they hot or not?

[caption id="attachment_2559" align="aligncenter" width="308"]Lady Gaga grabs her breasts suggestively while her staff take photos Lady Gaga grabs her breasts suggestively while her staff take photos[/caption]

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