The psychedelic frogfish lives in the ocean near Bali and Indonesia and was discovered in 1999. It's a small creature, growing to just 6 inches long, and is unique among fish because of its flat face, which gives it the same depth perception as humans. The fish's skin, which is a swirling pattern of yellow, white and dark orange, is responsible for the first part of its name. The psychedelic frogfish's skin is also as unique to each fish as our fingerprints are to us. It's endemic to Ambon island and spends most of its time in shallow waters close to shore
Blossom bat
You have to love any animal that feeds on "rainforest nectar." The blossom bat, or
Syconycteris sp nov, was found in the Foja mountains on the Indonesian island of New Guinea by a scientific expedition funded by the National Geographic Society, the Smithsonian Institution and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences. It's been called the "hummingbird of the bat world" because it uses its long tongue to drink nectar from trees.
Pearl River map turtle
The discovery of the Pearl River map turtle broke an 18-year stretch during which no new turtles were discovered in the U.S. Prior to this, the last new turtle was found in 1992. This turtle lives in the Pearl River, which defines the border between Louisiana and Mississippi, and was discovered by a team from the U.S. Geological Survey. It ranges in size between 6 and 11 inches and eats clams, fish and insect
Scaly-eyed gecko
The scaly-eyed gecko is easily the smallest newly discovered species on our list and can comfortably perch atop a pencil eraser. This tiny gecko was found in the rain forests of Ecuador in a habitat that is quickly being destroyed by logging and farming. The mountainous hillside where these creatures live is known to be packed with undiscovered species, but wildlife is being threatened by encroaching development and climate change
Caqueta monkey
Discovering a new mammal is a relatively rare occurrence; discovering a new monkey is rarer still. In 2010, a team of scientists ventured into the Amazon jungle in southern Colombia and documented, for the first time, the Caqueta titi monkey, an adorable, tiny primate notable for being one of the few monogamous monkeys and for purring like a cat. Primatologist Thomas Defler led his team to the Colombia's Caqueta province, which was too dangerous (because of gang activity) to visit just a few years ago. Sadly, just as we're discovering the Caqueta titi monkey, we're considering listing it as an endangered species. It's estimated that there are fewer than 250 living in the will
Gorgon head starfish
The gorgon head starfish, or the basket star, is a cousin to the starfish and is well named — its arms split off its body like alien tentacles. The gorgon head starfish was discovered by scientists from Scotland's University of Aberdeen while they were studying marine life along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It was caught a half mile down and eats plankton and shrimp.
Attenborough's pitcher plant
Attenborough's Pitcher, which is known in scientific circles as
Nepenthes attenboroughii, is a large plant endemic to the island of Palawan in the Philippines. It's another species that was discovered at the same time it was found to be critically endangered. The plant's name honors naturalist Sir David Attenborough. The football-sized bell at its base traps and digests insects and even small mammals, bringing to mind the giant carniverous plant Audrey from "Little Shop of Horrors."
Sneezing monkey of Burma
The sneezing monkey of Burma is another member of the Newly Discovered, Already Endangered Club. Some experts estimate that only 300 are left in the wild in the Maw River region, their numbers declining due to hunting and habitat loss. Chinese traders have been active in the area, feeding the black market demand for monkeys and other rain forest wildlife. These monkeys are known to go into long sneezing fits when it rains because their upturned noses allow water to enter their sinuses. (Note: This is a Photoshopped reconstruction of the monkey)
Phobaeticus chani The Phobaeticus chani stickbug (not pictured — that's a similar-looking relative at left) is on record as the world's longest insect — it can grow up to 22 inches long — and seems almost otherworldly. I pity the predator that has to pick this bug out from among the sticks, because this bug is a master of disguise. This stickbug was discovered in Borneo where only six specimens are known to exist because of the difficulty of studying them in their natural habitat high in the rain forest canopy. The Natural History Museum contains the longest Phobaeticus chani stickbug at 22 inches
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