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Showing posts with label NIGERIAN ARMY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NIGERIAN ARMY. Show all posts

Saturday 27 September 2014

Boko Haram Top Commander, Abakar Ali, Captured In Cameroon

One of the top commanders of the dreaded Boko Haram sect, identified as Abakar Ali, has been captured by Cameroonian soldiers.

According to a reliable source of SaharaReporters, the armed forces of Nigeria’s neighbours have also recovered a huge cache of arms, ammunition and equipment from the Islamist fighters in the course of the operation.

Abakar Ali, also known as “Mustapher Umar” had the following weapons in his possession:  5 machine guns, 14 rifles, 4 rocket launchers, 24 rockets, 6 Kalashnikov (AK) assault rifles, 60 magazines for Kalashnikovs  (AKs), 4 automatic pistols. As concerns the ammunition then it included over 500 9mm ammo, 469 12.7mm bullets, 4,454 7.62 mm ammunition, 1,491 5.56 mm ammunition, 822 ammunition of 7.62 mm, 6 grenades, 28 rocket launcher chargers.

Among the seized accessories for military purposes the army found pincers, tweezers and knives.

[caption id="attachment_3975" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Some terrorist suspects arrested during the raid. Photo: PRNigeria Some terrorist suspects arrested during the raid. Photo: PRNigeria[/caption]

The information above has been conveyed to the reporters via telephone by a mid-level Nigerian military officer, who is serving with a multi-national force. The force operates in a strategic area close the Nigeria-Cameroon border.

READ ALSO: Nigerian Troops Rout Terrorists In Benisheikh And Konduga

The officer informed that Cameroonian soldiers captured Boko Haram commander Ali along with two other sect members in the northern Cameroonian town of Kousseri.

It has been further learnt that Ali coordinated and led terrorist’s attacks in the border towns between Nigeria and Cameroon. The arrested Boko Haram commander was travelling between distant insurgent’s camps in the area, planned strategic moves and gave orders to initiate devastating attacks that targeted mostly civilians.


The Nigerian officer stated that the Cameroonian military was expected to share intelligence with their Nigerian counterparts regarding any confessions made by the captured terrorist during interrogation. He added that Nigerian security agencies are likely to learn more about Mr. Ali’s linkages with others in Boko Haram’s cells in Nigeria’s northeast area.

It would be noted that the Nigerian Army might have scored a decisive point in a war against Boko Haram after liquidating Shekau’s imposter: the man who was playing the role of the mysterious leader of the sect in all the latest videos by terrorists.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Nigerian Army confirms Boko Haram leader Shekau is dead

SHEKAU1-e1411577009541-1024x744The Defence Headquarters has released a statement claiming to have killed a man posing as the leader of Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau (or his impersonator) in an attack (both land and air) in Konduga Borno state between 12nd to 17th September. Find the statement after the cut...


Nigerian troops have been conducting coordinated air and land operations in furtherance of efforts at containing the terrorists in the North East part of the country. Somehow, it became apparent that the terrorists in continuation of their campaign of terror were determined to take over communities around Maiduguri which is their prime target.

There was therefore the need to ensure that communities such as Konduga were protected. It is noteworthy that the terrorists made not less than four attempts between 12 and 17 September 2014 to violate the security and enter Konduga to perpetrate their atrocities. Air and land forces were subsequently deployed to handle the situation.

 The convoy of combat vehicles typical of terrorists’ mission that involves their top commanders, were fiercely engaged by the land and air forces. Several of the terrorists including some of their commanders lost their lives in the encounters which lasted an average of about 5 hours each.

The troops captured some of the terrorists and their equipment. In the course of those encounters, one Mohammed Bashir who has been acting or posing on videos as the deceased Abubakar Shekau, the eccentric character known as leader of the group died. Since the name Shekau has become a brand name for the terrorists’ leader, the Nigerian military remains resolute to serve justice to anyone who assumes that designation or title as well as all terrorists that seek to violate the freedom and territory of Nigeria.

On restoring normalcy after the encounter, inhabitants of the community who were victims of terrorists activities corroborated information on the identity of Bashir Mohammed alias Abubakar Shekau, alias Abacha Abdullahi Geidam alias Damasack etc. Indeed, the recent devastation on the leadership of the insurgents is attributable to the renewed commitment to the mission of eradicating terrorism in our country.

Meanwhile, a total of 135 terrorists have yesterday evening surrendered along with equipment to troops around Biu Local Government Area. A group of 88 submitted themselves at Mairiga/Bun – Yadi while another group of 45 terrorists were taken in around Mubi – Michika. They are all being interrogated and processed in conformity with the dictates of standard best practices.

The Defence Headquarters applauds the gallantry of the Nigerian troops who have remained undaunted and professional in prosecuting this campaign against terror. The keen interest exhibited by our neighbours and allies is commendable and we appreciate them. All allies in the war against terrorism are hereby assured of the Nigerian military’s resolve to maintain momentum in the efforts to decimate and defeat terrorists. The invaluable efforts toward achieving sustainable peace and victory against the terrorists are highly appreciated.

Statement signed by Defence spokesperson, Maj. Gen Chris Olukayode

Thursday 18 September 2014

Nigerians Discuss Death Penalty For Maiduguri Mutiny

Nigerians react to the news of  twelve soldiers of Nigerian Army receiving the death penalty for participating in Maiduguri mutiny in May 2014.

It would be recalled that in mid-May, a number of Nigerian Army officers shot at their superior in Maimalari cantonment in Maiduguri, Borno State. They attacked their superior, General Officer Commanding, 7th Division of the Nigerian Army, Ahmadu Mohammed’s vehicle. The soldiers were apparently angered by the deaths of their comrades-in-arms who met their demise in Boko Haram ambush.

On September 15, eighteen army officers, accused of participating in Maiduguri mutiny, were court-martialled and heard their sentences. Twelve were sentenced to death. One officer will have to serve 28 days of hard labour. Five remaining officers were acquitted.

They signed to defend us even at risk of losing their life. … They are ready to go to any length to protect us even by sacrificing their own life,” reader Sam argued in his opinion piece he wrote on the subject of the Maiduguri mutiny.

“Mutiny is a crime in military and punishable by death. But why not address the root causes? Military authority should please temper justice with mercy. …Why should they receive death penalty for Maiduguri mutiny when they were saying the truth? Remember, they have wives, children and family! Did they deserve to die?”  Mr. Sam asked.

We decided to ask Nigerians the same question to know where they stand on the matter. Below you may find their varying responses.

The majority of almost 800 respondents were unanimous in opposing the death penalty for those who participated in the Maiduguri mutiny. They urged the Federal Government and President Goodluck Jonathan to intervene into the matters. These soldiers should be given a strict warning but not killed, Nigerians say.

Isah Daniel said: “I don’t support this! I am a uniformed man like them. There’s nothing wrong in someone fighting for their rights. If someone kills those soldiers, I bet their own children will die the same way the soldiers died. Nonsense.”

Akinrinlude Zainab said: “Free our husbands, fathers and friends. Please give them a second chance!”

Edu Cool Smith said: “When I got the news that 12 out of the 18 accused soldiers received death penalty for Maiduguri mutiny, I wept for thee o nation. Let not this execution be carried out. Their blood will speak. Injustice! What have we turned into? Jeremiah lamented “Our fathers sinned and are no more, but we bear their iniquities,” (Lamentations 5:7). If so, we bear the horrors of our past leaders. Will our children be able to escape our sins? Blood is too much! Before these soldiers went out of control they complained of bad treatment! These soldiers are death-bound because they are poor. Many Nigerians are standing against this injustice! Let’s stand for them. Once upon a time we were a glorious nation. But today, ‘The joy of our heart has ceased; our dance has turned into mourning. The crown has fallen from our head: woe unto us, that we have sinned!’ (Lamentations 5:15)”

Theophilus Chinweike said: “Save our soldiers! Don’t touch them. It’s your fault, the government. Why would you send those boys into risk without proper arrangment? You are unable to prosecute the Boko Haram sponsors, but you want to kill our soldiers! Don’t try it!”

Mukhtar Ladan said: “I disagree with this precipitated judgment, this death penalty for Maiduguri mutiny. The presidency should as a matter of urgency intervene. Or else, the nation will do something about. Please, Nigerians, let us stand against the injustice. Silence in the face of injustice is a crime.”

Okechi Kalu-whyte said: “They should fight who is fighting them and not to kill the few they have that will defend the nation. Boko Haram are killing soldiers, and soldiers are killing each other. Doesn’t it sound funny? Please, how sincere is the person at helm of the matter even?”

Seigha Omubo Dede said: “This death penalty for mutiny is injustice of the highest order. It is another ploy to silence the revelation of the Boko Haram sponsors in the Army. If not, why death sentence? These soldiers only reacted to the fact that they were being neglected. Where are our human rights activists? If there’s any time to speak up, now is that time! SAY TO INJUSTICE!”

Ojo Babatunde David said: “This death penalty for Maiduguri mutiny sentence is not final. It is subject to ratification by President G.E. Jonathan who is the Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces. If President Jonathan knows nothing about BOKO HARAM, he would not sign the death warrant of the soldiers. He would commute the sentence to a prison term.”

A number of commentators, however, did not think that the participants of the Maiduguri mutiny were as brave as others were calling them.

Bariborve Piinaakaleop Kpegeol said: “Brave by trying to kill their commander? Maybe bravery has got another meaning. Anyway, I am not saying they should be killed… But at least they were not that brave!”

Also, some Nigerians warned to “keep our military out of politics” and insisted that the death penalty was a fair punishment for taking part in the now-notorious Maiduguri mutiny.

Obanya Napoleon Christopher said: “Death penalty for this Maiduguri mutiny is well-deserved! They were not only charged for mutiny but also for attempted murder. Disrespecting a senior officer is an offence, not talking of shooting at him. That’s the highest insult ever. So many soldiers in Nigeria have joined the army only because they couldn’t get a job We need dedicated and loyal soldiers. Death penalty for Maiduguri mutiny of these twelve will serve as a deterrent to others.”

Goa Lekue Charles said: “It is very funny now how people claim to have knowledge of all topics and issues. It is very sad how we speak about military laws without knowing what they stand for. Military is the last place where indiscipline is encouraged! We should stop all this noise-making. Do we want our military guys to start acting like our police? Please, death penalty for mutiny is the punishment, as is for any act of indiscipline in the military. They all know it as they were not forced to join. It is sad, but such is the bitter truth.”

Dafe Philibus Habila said: “They entered a profession, and they must be judged by the rules. They knew death penalty for Maiduguri mutiny will be the ultimate price. They should face it. But the problem is, their general, too, must be court-martialed. I don’t agree with his retirement. He, too, should face the music. In fact, not only him but the other ten generals with fat accounts. What is their fate? All should face the music so as to serve as a deterrence to others.”

Kakka Sppecie said: “What if the GOC was killed in the attempted murder and shooting? Sentiment is one of the root causes of Nigeria’s socio-political decay. We should try to make people know that whoever breaks the law will face its wrath. It’s a pity to judge and sentence these young soldiers! But even insurgents knows this law and will never do what these soldiers did. Maybe we’ll temper justice, but how can we instill discipline in the armed forces if we continue like this?”

What is your own opinion of the death sentences handed out to the twelve Nigerian soldiers who were participants of the Maiduguri mutiny?

Temper justice with mercy for the 12 soldiers sentenced to death for Maiduguri mutiny:

  • Yes (83%, 265 Votes)

  • No (17%, 53 Votes)

Total Voters: 318

Police Denies Soldiers Ambush In Kogi

Officials of the Kogi State Police Command on Tuesday reacted to the reported ambush of about 850 military troops on Sunday night in Kogi State by suspected Boko Haram members between Okene and Lokoja road.

The command spokesman, Aguebor Elvis, in an interview with the Nigerian Tribune, refuted the alleged attack which was reported by a national daily.

READ ALSO: APC Urges To Stop Shielding Boko Haram Sponsor Sheriff

It would be recalled that some military troops roportedly going to Kotangora in Niger State, for training before going to Borno and Adamawa states for reinforcement against the dreaded terrorists group, Boko Haram were ambushed by suspected sect members.

Elvis, who categorically stated that nothing of such happened in the state, said: “the command never heard of Boko Haram attacking military men, we are surprised that such a report came out without confirming from us. It was just a distraction”

The command’s spokesman further revealed that the state Commissioner of Police, Paul Nwafor, has directed that a letter should be sent to the Inspector General of Police, in Abuja, to let him know that the purported attack was bore out of the “imagination of the writer, aimed at creating distraction in order to cause confusion in the state.”


Elvis said a statement would soon be released to inform members of the public on the true nature of the matter.

It would be recalled that on Monday, Punch reported that at least 850 soldiers attached to the 322 Artillery Battalion, and the Fourth Brigade Garrison, Ekeunwa, Benin City, the Edo State capital were ambushed by suspected Boko Haram terrorist group between Okene and Lokoja, Kogi State.

Meanwhile, in a recent development following a fierce battle with soldiers of 7 Division, over 200 members of the Boko Haram sect who were on a revenge mission to Konduga local government area of Borno State were reportedly killed. The Nigerian military had  also on September 12, 2014, reportedly killed over 150 insurgents, who attempted to invade Kondugatown.

Monday 15 September 2014

Nigeria Awaits Delivery Of Mi Helicopters From Russia

The new contract for delivery of several state-of-the-art Mi-35 and Mi-171Sh helicopters has been recently signed between the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Russian Federation.

This has been confirmed by the Deputy Director General of Rosoboronexport, Sergei Goreslavsky, in a statement obtained by

The contract was signed in August this year. Unfortunately, the official did not confirm the exact number of helicopters subject to delivery. According to previous statements by Nigeria’s DHQ, the most likely quantity is 6 or 7.

[caption id="attachment_1859" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Russian helicopter, Mi-35M type. Photo: Russian helicopter, Mi-35M type. Photo:[/caption]

He emphasised that the models are in demand on the African continent, noted that Mozambique is also among the customers. Mr Goreslavsky revealed that Mi-171Sh flying machines are in demand on global markets. They can be delivered in various configurations, with air defence, reconnaissance equipment and missile weaponry.

The helicopter can carry a cargo of 4 tons maximum, or transport up to 36 paratroopers, or carry 12 injured on stretchers.

The offered models are on service in the Russian Armed Forces since 2009.

At the same time, several experts have expressed concerns over ability of the Russian side to carry out timely delivery due to and US/EU sanctions imposed on Moscow.

Absolute majority of engines for Russian-made helicopters were supplied from Ukraine. Due to current crisis in the relations between the two countries, such cooperation is no more possible.

The order to procure extra helicopters was given by President Jonathan himself.


The decision followed a tragic crash of Mi-35 helicopter in Borno State on July 21, 2014.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Insurgency: Nigerian Soldier Narrates Ordeal

A Nigerian soldier (name withheld) involved in the war against the dreaded terrorists group, Boko Haram in Maiduguri, Borno State capital on Friday revealed that the sect will continue to thrive because of the happenings in the Nigerian army.images (13) images (14) images (15)

Vanguard reports that the soldier in an email sent to them, said he is attached to the Multinational Joint Task Force located in KauKirie Section 3 Baga, insisted that the army lacks modern equipment to fight terrorists, and pointed out saboteurs among others as factors stalling the fight.

The soldier who said he joined the Nigerian army less than three years ago with the purpose of defending Nigerian territory and sovereignty against both external and internal aggression warned that more soldiers will continue to desert the army due to low morale.

Giving account of their battle with Boko Haram, the soldier said after six months training, troops were drafted to Maiduguri to engage insurgents. He said he was initially enthusiastic about fight the bloodsucking demons that have caused innocent Nigerians pains without a just course.  He said not quite long in Borno, himself and his colleagues realized that they were in a different army from the one they thought they had joined, because it was highly politicised, demoralised, lacks discipline and did not weapons to fight.

He therefore listed some of the major challenges hindering their operations to include lack of intelligence gathering and increasing cases of saboteurs in during assault. He recalled an incidence when their driver refused to take a particular route that we ordered to ply; he said they did not argue when he took the decision, which was what saved their lives as they found out the next day that terrorists had laid ambush waiting for them. He said the militants angrily killed every civilian that passed that route on that day after waiting for them.

The soldier further revealed that on July 31, 2014, Boko Haram attacked their camps, killed two of the colleagues, set the camp ablaze, while 19 soldiers were declared missing. He said all the soldiers ran away from the scene, before they were later rescued by Chadian soldiers.

According to him, seven soldiers came back to base while 12 were confirmed dead.

“As I write this, their corpses have not been recovered. In fact, they were left unburied and left to decompose like animals” he said.

He said the incidence killed the morale of soldiers, which had resulted to increased deserters every day. He said those of them yet to desert were surviving by the grace of Almighty God. He said bullets are rationed to soldiers to go and fight highly equipped terrorists with state of the art weapons. He said his gun and that of some other soldiers had locked severally in battlefield, and noted that political leaders and Military hierarchy were gambling with the lives of soldiers.


“They are just sacrificing our lives for nothing. On several occasions, when we go for operations and come under heavy attacks, when we call for reinforcement, there will not be any, and if they decide to send, it takes several hours if not days.  We have been having problem with intelligence gathering since we came here.  It is absolutely difficult to use non-Northerner for intelligence gathering because of unwillingness of the indigenes to cooperate” he said.

The soldier said most of his colleagues from the area are sympathetic to Boko Haram, and stated that the terrorists may continue to have the upper hand in the war because of the operational problems he had earlier mentioned.

Meanwhile, the unknown soldier revelation is contrary to the statement issued by Col.Timothy Antigha of the Nigerian Army Public Relations Directorate, who claimed that the soldiers morale were very high.

It would be recalled that on August 20, 2014, BBC reported that Nigerian soldiers were nolonger willing to risk their lives in the fight against the dreaded Boko Haram sects until they are provided with better and more sophisticated equipments, while the Chief of Army Staff, Lt.- Gen. Kenneth Minimah had earlier revealed that some soldiers had abandoned the force over fear of  being killed by Boko Haram.