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Wednesday 10 September 2014


A teacher was teaching her second grade class about the government, so for homework that one day, she told her her students to ask their parents what the government is.

When Little Johnny got home that day, he went up to his dad and ask his what the government was.

His dad thought for a while and answered, ''Look at it this way: I'm the president, your mom is Congress, your maid is the work force, you are the people and your baby brother is the future.''

''I still don't get it'' responded the Little Johnny.

''Why don't you sleep on it then? Maybe you'll understand it better,'' said the dad.

''Okay then...good night'' said Little Jonny went off to bed. In the middle of the night, Little Johnny was awakened by his baby brother's crying. He went to his baby brother's crib and found that his baby brother had taken a crap in his diaper. So Little Johnny went to his parent's room to get help. When he got to his parent's bedroom, he looked through the keyhole to check if his parents were asleep. Through the keyhole he saw his mom loudly snoring, but his dad wasn't there. So he went to the maid's room. When he looked through the maid's room keyhole, he saw his dad having sex with his maid. Little Johnny was surprised, but then he just realized something and thinks aloud, ''OH!! Now I understand the government! The President is screwing the work force, Congress is fast asleep, nobody cares about the people, and the future is full of s**t!''


December 14, 1972

My dearest darling John:

Who ever in the whole world would dream of getting a real Partridge in a Pear Tree? How can I ever express my pleasure. Thank you a hundred times for thinking of me this way.

My love always, Agnes

December 15, 1972

Dearest John:

Today the postman brought your very sweet gift. Just imagine two turtle doves. I'm just delighted at your very thoughtful gift. They are just adorable.

All my love, Agnes

December 16, 1972

Dear John:

Oh! Aren't you the extravagant one. Now I must protest. I don't deserve such generosity, three French hens. They are just darling but I must insist, you've been too kind.

All my love, Agnes

December 17, 1972

Dear John:

Today the postman delivered four calling birds. Now really, they are beautiful, but don't you think enough is enough. You are being too romantic.

Affectionately, Agnes

December 18, 1972

Dearest John:

What a surprise. Today the postman delivered five golden rings, one for every finger. You're just impossible, but I love it. Frankly, all those birds squawking were beginning to get on my nerves.

All my love, Agnes

December 19, 1972

Dear John:

When I opened the door today there were actually six geese laying on my front steps. So you're back to the birds again huh? These geese are huge. Where will I ever keep them? The neighbors are complaining and I can't sleep through the racket. Please stop.

Cordially, Agnes

December 20, 1972


What's with you and those freaking birds?? Seven swans a swimming. What kind of damn joke is this? There's bird poop all over the house and they never stop the racket. I can't sleep at night and I'm a nervous wreck. It's not funny. So stop those freaking birds.

Sincerely, Agnes

December 21, 1972

O.K. Buster:

I think I prefer the birds. What the hell am I going to do with 8 maids a milking? It's not enough with all those birds and 8 maids a milking, but they had to bring their damn cows. There is manure all over the lawn and I can't move in my own house. Just lay off me, smartass.


December 22, 1972

Hey Shithead:

What are you? Some kind of sadist? Now there's nine pipers playing. And Christ do they play. They've never stopped chasing those maids since they got here yesterday morning. The cows are getting upset and they're stepping all over those screeching birds. What am I going to do? The neighbors have started a petition to evict me.

You'll get yours! Agnes

December 23, 1972

You rotten prick:

Now there's ten ladies dancing. I don't know why I call those sluts ladies. They've been balling those pipers all night long. Now the cows can't sleep and they've got diarrhea. My living room is a river of shit. The Commissioner of Buildings has subpoenaed me to give cause why the building shouldn't be condemned.

I'm calling the police on you! Agnes

December 24, 1972

Listen Fuckhead:

What's with those eleven lords a leaping on those maids and ladies? Some of those broads will never walk again. Those pipers ran through the maids and have been committing sodomy with the cows. All twenty-three of the birds are dead. They've been trampled to death in the orgy. I hope you're satisfied, you rotten vicious swine.

Your sworn enemy, Agnes

December 25, 1972

Dear Sir:

This is to acknowledge your latest gift of twelve fiddlers fiddling which you have seen fit to inflict on our client, Miss Agnes McHolstein. The destruction, of course, was total. All correspondence should come to our attention. If you should attempt to reach Miss McHolstein at Happy Dale Sanitarium, the attendants have been instructed to shoot you on sight. With this letter please find attached a warrant for your arrest.

Cordially, Law Offices of Badger, Bender and Chole

Fashola Wants NGF Revived

Governor, Babatunde Fashola, of Lagos State on Wednesday tasked the 36 states governors to work towards reviving the Nigeria Governors’ Forum before leaving office in (9)

The Nation reports that the governor made the call during a dialogue session organised by the Kukah Centre for Faith and Leadership Research.

He described as embarrassing that the Forum which they inherited from their predecessors was going into extinction in their era, noting that if allowed to happen, the next set of governors may not have a Governors’ Forum.

Fashola, who explained that government and elected officials must acknowledged that the problems of Nigeria revolve around the people of the country, said nothing was wrong with the country but the in the value system of the people.

“If we agree that the problems revolve around people, then the difference will lie in the method. The Presidential system we use is the American system. As a matter of national value, the Americans agree that anybody who earns income must pay tax” he said. “The essential quality for institutions to do well is people. When institutions do well, it is because good people have done the right thing and when they do badly, it is because bad people have been allowed to take charge.”

According to him, there is nothing mysterious about institutions since what drive institutions are good men and women. He said such people cannot be discovered until there is a convergence of ideas and values.  The governor urged his counterpart to be driven by a nationalistic value system because if the nation should fall, there would not be any party to save.

Fashola stressed that you can only have a united actions when there are shared values, adding that it is only when the values systems are different that you can sit down in a governor’s forum and have an election where some persons will say a smaller number is higher than the other number.

He revealed that though he was embarrassed with the development, especially as they were all in the same club where the incident occurred, he expressed optimism that before they leave office, the last thing they can do is to give back to those who will succeed them what they inherited from their predecessors.

It would be recalled that on June 6, 2014, the Nigerian governors, under the aegis of the Nigeria Governors Forum (NGF) held their fourth retreat in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

Soldiers Flee As Boko Haram Approaches Maiduguri

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At this stage, is Doyin Okupe and all his Ogas still praying? Is it God that will “send down fire” to defeat those Boko Haram idiots or the Billions of Naira allocated for security should be used for the needful?

As the rampaging Boko Haram insurgents continue their attacks in Northern Nigeria, towards Maiduguri, it seems Nigerian soldiers are nearing the giving up stage, with soldiers deserting and thousands of innocent Nigerians in the areas fleeing the towns and villages.

At night, a resident said he was awake and heard gun shots from a distance. “Nobody can sleep anymore,” the resident of Maiduguri township, who wanted to remain anonymous, confirmed.

Gwoza, Bama, Gulak, Michika, Duhu, Shuwa, Kirshinga captured by insurgents

The terrorists have been capturing new cities on an almost daily basis. They arrive in hijacked army vehicles, fight off the Nigerian troops and terrorise the residents.

Terrorists are better equipped —Military

The morale of the government troops is very low and the terrorists are better equipped. Military officers said: “We cannot do anything against Boko Haram, because most of the Boko Haram are using modern automatic weapons and the military is using AK47s.”

Also, Senator Ahmed Zanna has cried out: “Boko Haram are committing all kinds of atrocities killing and raping. At the same time they are taking young girls in batches and the city is littered with dead bodies.”
Bama is 70 kilometers (43.5 miles) from Maiduguri and fell to the Islamists four days ago. Senator Zanna recounts how the soldiers who were supposed to defend Bama, refused to advance any further, noting, “They were ill equipped and they just stayed in Kondudga.”

Sect gunning for Maiduguri

Maiduguri would be a major win for Boko Haram in their hope of creating an Islamist-ruled state. “Even a brief capture of Borno’s capital, will be a significant symbolic victory for Boko Haram,” said Ryan Cummings, a South African security expert, who is also a member of the Nigerian Security Networks. Capturing Maiduguri would give Boko Haram a very strong boost, believes the Nigerian expert Nnamdi Obasi of the International Crisis Group, added. With Maiduguri, the Islamists would not only control a major city but also an international airport.

According to Vanguard, a reporter in Mubi, Adamawa State, said the town can also fall prey to Boko Haram.

“We all live in fear,” explained a resident. “Because soldiers come into our houses, take off their uniforms and put on civilian clothes. So if the military is already fleeing the fight, we don’t stand a chance.”

Over 10,000 flee the fighting

Thousands of people have fled the fighting. In Yola, the capital of Adamawa State, residents have taken in those who had to leave their homes. Ten people now live in one room and a woman who goes by the name of Aisha explained their fate: “There is nobody left in our town. Everyone has left, because the terrorists came into our town and they killed the people. We are desperate for help.”

In Maiduguri, residents are now also preparing to leave. “The people are scared. Many have already left the city,” said a woman who chose to remain anonymous. “We who remain here, hope that God will help us.”

The residents have armed themselves with sticks. They no longer believe that the army will defend them. Thousands of young men have now gathered in Maiduguri and are demanding that the government recognize them as local defence groups, so that they can officially support the soldiers.

“There are soldiers in the city, but they are not well-armed,” explained a resident who had trouble sleeping. Even the Senator Ahmed Zanna is unsure whether the army can defend Maiduguri: “If Bama with an army of 1,000 can fall within three to five hours, then there is every likelihood that these people will advance towards Maiduguri.”

Bama under government control —Official

In the meantime, official sources say that Bama is once again under government control and that Maiduguri is safe for now. Nevertheless, the residents remain skeptical.

So, Nigeria is now a state where people call on God for a physical war? Oh dear, what a sorry state!

Dammy Krane Rests On Cynthia Morgan’s B00bs



We all know the Hypertek’s Act Dammy krane is always so play full and fun loving , here we have him and sensational female act Cynthia Morgan having fun, decided to bring a little drama for their fans to see on instagram,

i can only but imagine what led to having this kind of photo sure a lot of you will be doing the same.

He’s Enjoying his sleep with no doubt, see another one below..



Beggar Arrested For Trying To Kidnap Child In Lagos

The beggar is said to have made an attempt to kidnap a toddler in Lagos Island




A beggar has been arrested and charged to court in Lagos for allegedly attempting to kidnap a little child.

31-year-old Gboyega Dauda was accused of trying to abduct Ismail Abdullahi, a toddler.

Dauda was charged today, September 9, 2014 before a Magistrates Court in the Tinubu area of the state.

The prosecutor, Koti Aondohemba, told the court that the suspect committed the offence on September 8 at about 4 p.m on Lagos Island.
He said:
“…As he crossed the road, some passers-by who noticed the strange movement of the accused quickly apprehended him before he could abscond with the boy.”

The accused pleaded not guilty to the crime.


The President Knows More About Boko Haram Than He Is Willing To Reveal – APC



The National Leadership of the All Progressives Congress, APC, has accused President Goodluck Jonathan of exhibiting a shocking act of indiscretion by hobnobbing with an alleged Boko Haram sponsor, Ali Modu Sheriff, an alleged Boko Haram sponsor.

In a statement by its National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party wondered what message President Jonathan was sending to his compatriots and indeed to the international community when he took Modu Sheriff along during his visit to Chad Monday to confer with President Idriss Deby on cooperation against terrorism.

“This action by President Jonathan confirms what the APC has always believed: That the President either knows more than he is willing to admit on the issue of those who are behind the Boko Haram insurgency or he is willing to sacrifice the battle against terrorism on the altar of political expediency.

Either way, this action by the President is the height of indiscretion at best, or a palpable exhibition of callowness at worst.

“It also confirms our fears that Modu Sheriff was planted as a mole in the APC by his friends in high places, who are jittery about the birth of the party and would do anything to destabilize it,’’ it said.

APC said the President could not pretend not to be aware of a report sent home by Nigeria’s Defence Adviser in Ndjamena, Chad, in 2011, detailing the suspicious activities of Modu Sheriff in Chad concerning alleged Boko Haram sponsorship and asking the Federal Government to investigate him.

“If this is a joke, it is one joke taken too far, especially at a time that Nigeria has been losing territories after territories to Boko Haram; at a time that the same Modu Sheriff has been fingered by another source other than the Nigerian Defence Adviser in Chad, and at a time that calls are being made for an independent investigation into the allegation that Modu Sheriff and former Army Chief Azubuike Ihejirika are Boko Haram sponsors.

“Or could it be the case of it takes a thief to catch a thief?’’ it queried.



Fayemi Has Been Involved In “Shady” Deals, We Have Evidence – PDP



The Peoples Democratic Party, Ekiti State chapter has alleged that the outgoing Governor Kayode Fayemi has been involved in shady deals.

It claims it has evidence to substantiate its earlier accusation that the Fayemi administration have been engaging in last minutes recruitment of workers and panic withdrawal of funds among others.
However, Fayemi, in a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Yinka Oyebode, on Sunday described the allegations as wicked, reckless, malicious, and a calculated attempt to tarnish the reputation of his administration, and an anticipatory excuse for lack of performance when the new government gets into office, according to report from The Punch He challenged the PDP to mention the banks where the alleged illegal movement of funds took place and explain where the so called 3,000 workers were recruited illegally.

But describing the governor’s defence as an afterthought, the PDP said it had discovered more illegal and underhand deals done by the administration.

“The Commissioner for Information, in his defence of the allegations, confirmed that the recruitment of workers is an ongoing process, while in another breadth, the administration denied employing new workers,” the PDP said.

The party alleged that the outgoing government had wasted about N700m on ‘thank you’ billboards produced by the Ekiti State Signage Agency, and that the billboards were now useless because the election didn’t go the way of the All Progressives Congress.


Jim Iyke And Nadia Buhari Shares First Picture After Break Up Rumor

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Jim and Nadia just proved to those who has been praying for their break up because of some controversial issue that they are very much in love..

I don’t really understand the on and off relationship of this two, Jim should better put a ring on her sooner or later, only God knows if this is some kind of scripted movie they both acting… what do you guys think?

PEEP THIS! Skuki Show Off Hairstyle Inspired By Football Star, Neymar

One half of singing duo Skuki, Peeshaun has opted for the famous hairstyle of Brazilian football star, Neymar da Silver Santos.

See photos below:skuki skuki-2 skuki-neymar

Gospel Singer, Kenny Saint Brown Release APC Campaign Poster [See Photo]


Gospel singer, Kenny Saint Brown has joined other celebs like Julius Agwu, Kate Henshaw, Yibo Koko, Desmond Elliot, Bob Manuel Udokwu and 9ice, who are taking political ambitions seriously.

Just after making the announcement a few weeks ago, the younger sister to Kennis Music boss Kenny Ogungbe, has unveiled her 2015 campaign poster.

She is vying for a spot in the Lagos State House of Assembly under APC.

See her campaign poster below:poster

Ebola Scare: How We Bathed With Kerosene - Student

A student of Covenant Polytechnic located in Abia narrated how her mates went to the extremities in order to ward off the deadly Ebola disease.

According to Leadership,  Gift Nnenna Okonkwo explained that the scared students complied with any precautionary measure that reached them. Thus they bathed with kerosene, so as with salt and warm water mixture.

The polytechnic student said they had to wake up early in the morning to prepare the solution as they believed it could protect them from contracting the tropical virus. Although the girl felt confused about the effectiveness of the measure, she still joined others.

[caption id="attachment_1037" align="aligncenter" width="552"]Desinfection against Ebola Desinfection against Ebola[/caption]

READ ALSOTop 5 Main Myths About Ebola

Shortly after Ebola was brought to Nigeria by the Liberian-American Patrick Sawyer, people got seized with panic, which provided a good platform for rumours about the ways of preventing the virus spread. Unfortunately such rumours could be hardly characterized as harmless.

Let’s simply recall where the “salt water” rumour originated from and how quickly it progressed. It was suggested that bathing in or drinking hot water and salt solution allowed to prevent or cure the virus. The information was passed on social media, from one to another. As a result some people died from drinking the solution and many more were hospitalized. Soon Nigeria’s officials had to interfere to stop the circulation of the dangerous method.

It is none of a secret that people’s fears fuel rumours spread. Additionally, in the absence of the approved Ebola vaccine, the emotional condition of the citizens, who feeel unprotected, worsened. Some other methods making rounds in social media said that the tropical disease might be treated with hot chocolate, coffee and raw onions.

Meanwhile according to the latest update by the World Health Organization (WHO), the death toll from the EVD currently corresponds 2,296. The country affected most by the epidemic is Liberia.

PDP Can Not Lose Elections In 2015 When Popular Faces Like Us Are There- Orji Kalu Boasts


The Former Governor of Abia State, Orji Kalu yesterday during his visit to the national secretariat of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in Abuja has said the insurgency ravaging the North Eastern part of the country is instigated by people who do not want the President to lead the country.

Even though he refused to name their names, he insisted it was politically motivated.  Orji who left PDP in 2007 for PPA only to return last year, made it clear at the party’s secretariat that PDP cannot lose come next year because of popular faces like him who are now in the party.

“The insurgency is politically-motivated because there is no other thing to do.

“It is instigated by people who do not want President Jonathan to be president.’’

Assuring people that PDP cannot lose elections next year, Oji said;

“How can the PDP lose the presidency when it has people like us who are very popular and creating jobs every day? I do not see how PDP will lose the election in 2015?” he said.

“Democracy is not about one person or President Jonathan. We have to bring our efforts together so as to move democracy forward. President Jonathan is doing everything possible to bring the Chibok girls’ back. We must thank our military men for the job they are doing, he added.

“Insurgency is a new thing to us. Insurgency is politically-motivated and it is the people who think Jonathan should not contest the 2015 that are behind it. They should allow him to finish his tenure,” he said.

Keshi Picks Emenike, Salami To Start Against S.A

Less than eight hours before Nigeria’s Super Eagles take on the Bafana Bafana of South Africa in the qualifiers for the 2015 Nations Cup to be hosted by Morocco, coach Stephen Keshi has named his first eleven for the crucial match.

According to the Eagles’ starting team published by moments ago, Emmanuel Emenike and Gbolahan Salami will start for Nigeria against South Africa when the match kicks off inside the 2010 World Cup stadium in Cape Town at 7pm Nigerian time.

It would be recalled that both  Emenike and Gbolahan started from the bench in Nigeria 2-3 lost against Congo in Calabar at the weekend.

Though Gbolahan, who plays for Warri Wolves in the Nigerian league, scored Nigeria’s second goal in the 89th minutes.

[caption id="attachment_1027" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Emmanuel Emenike in action for Nigeria Emmanuel Emenike in action for Nigeria[/caption]

Israel-based Nosa Igiebor, who was also a second-half sub against Congo, will start against Bafana Bafana.

However, Keshi has kept faith with his defence, which struggled against the Red Devils from Congo on Saturday, as skipper Austin Ejide, Elderson, Efe Ambrose, Godfrey Oboabona and Kenneth Omeruo would be the players to man the Eagles’ back line.

In the midfield, the quartet of Ogeny Onazi, Mikel Obi, Nosa Igiebor and Ahmed Musa are expected to hold forth.

Barring no late changes, below is Nigeria’s starting XI vs South Africa:

Austin Ejide (Skipper) – Elderson Echiejile, Efe Ambrose, Kenneth Omeruo, Godfrey Oboabona – Ogeny Onazi, Mikel Obi, Nosa Igiebor, Ahmed Musa – Gbolahan Salami and Emmanuel Emenike.

Nigeria is the defending champions of the African Nations Cup following it triumph in the last edition of the tournament held in South Africa in 2013.

In spite of the Eagles’ defeat against Congo on Saturday, the coach Keshi led side would be full of confidence going into the match against South Africa considering Nigeria has never lost a competitive match against the former Apartheid country.

Out of the nine matches played so far, Nigeria has won seven, draw one and the only match the Super Eagles lost was a friendly match tagged the Nelson Mandela’s Challenge played in Johannesburg.

Do you see Nigeria defeating South Africa tonight?

Police Nab 4 Accused Of Duping Couple Of N14.5m In Ogun

The Ogun State Police Command yesterday, paraded four members of a fraud syndicate which allegedly duped a couple of N14.5 million.


The couple were told by the fraudsters to give them N20,000 to ward off the looming evil before them, but they ended up paying N14.5 million in three tranches before the fraudsters were arrested, according to report from Vanguard The suspects are Shehu Salam, 40; Risikat Oriyomi,47; Sola Babalola 38 and Wasiu Ajani, 35, who is physically challenged, were arrested on Monday in their den located at Omusorin village in Obafemi/Owode Local Government Area of the state.

The fifth suspect, who is said to be the ring leader, one Baba Awotola, fled when men of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad stormed their operational base.

It was gathered that Ajani, a native of Ilorin, Kwara State, who claimed to be an Islamic cleric, got the couple into the net of the syndicate through the couple’s family friend.

The state Police Commissioner, Mr Ikemefuna Okoye, who conducted newsmen round the fraudster’s shrine in a dilapidated house which doubled as their operational base, yesterday, said the syndicate used Ajani to lure the couple, who are rice merchants in Lagos State.

Ikemefuna said Ajani used the name of a late popular Islamic cleric, Sheikh Bulala, to hoodwink the victims.

The commissioner explained that Ajani on the fateful day dressed in Islamic cassock and hung about nine different praying rosaries on his neck, accosted the couple around Owode Onirin, Lagos, and gave them a revelation of a looming trouble before them which must be warded off through one of special prayers.

He said: “The suspect also told them to buy a measure of salt and give it as alms to three beggars.

He later told the husband to buy a local egg and use it to pray, circling it around his head three times.”

According to him, Ajani later used the egg as a bait to lure the couple to their den, where they began to swindle them.

“He got the wife’s telephone number, and through it, he called the couple to bring the egg to their den for a special prayer,” Okoye said.

The couple, who pleaded anonymity because of their position in the society, said the syndicate under the pretence of warding off the evil before them collected N14.5 million in three instalments from them.

According to the couple, the syndicate used the two women, Risiqat and Sola as “white witches” who claimed to offer prayers to ward off evils.

The ‘witches’ who claimed to have descended from ‘heaven’ reportedly said they needed money to fly back.

Speaking with newsmen, Ajani said he got the information about the couple from the fleeing Baba Awotola.

He said: “It was Baba Awotola who introduced me to this shady business.

He asked me whether I want to die a wretched man. He was the one who gave the information that the couple had a problem and that they were a bit comfortable.

He promised me a car and N300,000, but he only gave me and Shehu N100,000 each.”

Ikemefuna warned residents to be wary of fraudsters who parade themselves as clerics.

Fan Insults Timaya, Timaya Fires Back, Calls Him A _____?

[caption id="attachment_1022" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Timaya Ukwu Timaya Ukwu[/caption]

Ukwu singer, Timaya shared a photo of himself on Instagram, saying he could never go broke.

But this got one of his fans really angry, the fan allegedly had contact with the singer at the France Visa office some time back and Timaya did not give him or any of his other fans present there money and so the fan vented on Instagram immediately he saw Timaya’s posdownload (1)

Read the fan’s comment and Timaya’s response Below:download (2)


Transfer Alert:- Manchester United & Liverpool At Alert For Barcelona’s Dani Alves

[caption id="attachment_1018" align="aligncenter" width="610"]Danny Alves Danny Alves[/caption]

Barcelona’s Dani Alves is a transfer target for Manchester United and Liverpool, according to reports.

The Brazil star, aged 31, is out of contract in the summer and does not seem likely to extend his stay at Camp Nou.

New coach Luis Enrique has already strengthened at right-back with the £4.5m signing of Douglas from Sao Paulo and does not seem keen to offer Alves a new deal.

That could lead to United and Liverpool, who will be free to talk to the former Sevilla man from January onwards, attempting to sign him on a free transfer, claims the Daily Express.

Alves would be a natural for the right wing-back slot in Louis van Gaal’s 3-4-1-2 formation at United and arguably an upgrade on the current options of Rafael or Antonio Valencia.

Glen Johnson’s Liverpool future is in doubt, so Alves would provide an experienced alternative to youngsters Javier Manquillo and Jon Flanagan at Anfield.

Paris Saint Germain, Inter Milan, Juventus and Manchester City have also been linked with Alves in media reports.

Lawmakers To Re-examine Schools' Resumption Date

If latest news are to be believed, then academic activities may not resume in both private and public schools in Nigeria in the month of September.

This is based upon reports that the House of Representatives has asked its Committee on Education to take another look at the resumption date announced for private and public schools in the country.

According to a report published by Thisday online, the decision of the lawmakers is necessitated by growing concerns among the public, especially parents and guardians of students, over the recent decision by the education authorities to reopen schools for the 2014/2015 academic session on Monday, September 22, 2014 despite the threat of the Ebola Virus Disease which has killed seven people in Nigeria.

It would be recalled that the Education Minister, Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau, had announced a postponement of the resumption date of schools from September to October 13, in other to allow the health authorities enough time to ensure the containment of the disease.

[caption id="attachment_1015" align="aligncenter" width="590"]Minister of Health, Onyebuchi Chukwu Minister of Health, Onyebuchi Chukwu[/caption]

However, following private school owners opposition to the postponement of the resumption date, , after a meeting with stakeholders in the sector.

While answering questions from newsmen in Abuja on Tuesday, 9 September, 2014, the Deputy Chairman of Media and Public Affairs Committee in the House of Representatives, Hon. Victor Afam Ogene, stated that the House leadership has resolved to mandate its Committee on Education to take another look at the resumption date set.

Ogene added that the latest move is “in the overall interest of the pupils and students, parents, guardians and the general well-being of the entire country”.

“You will recall that upon the outbreak of the dreaded Ebola virus in Nigeria, the House Committee on Health rose up to the occasion by interfacing with the health authorities, the result of which is the positive containment efforts and call-off of the strike by doctors in the country,” the lawmaker said.

The deputy spokesman of the House said given the reality that some persons are still under surveillance, and the likelihood of having other cases, there was the need to put the safety of the children and that of the entire country into consideration, in arriving at when best to reopen schools nationwide.

The Ebola virus disease has killed no less than seven persons in Nigeria, while 19 other people tested positive for the dreaded disease are still being treated in Lagos and Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

No vaccine has been approved as cure for the deadly disease yet though some Canadian researchers announced some weeks ago that a drug has passed first test of becoming a cure for Ebola after it was tested on monkeys with the virus.