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Wednesday 29 October 2014

Boy Suddenly Stopped Eating 1 Year Ago, Doctors Can't Help

All of a sudden a 12-year-old US boy stopped eating a year ago, and numerous doctors failed to identify what he is suffering from.
Landon Jones
Landon Jones stopped eating a year ago. Credit: The Register
Landon Jones changed overnight and his appetite disappeared hours after he had eaten a delicious pizza and a bowl of ice cream.
He woke up October 14, 2013 to realize that he was not feeling either hungry or thirsty any longer, Daily Mail reports with reference to The Des Moines Register.
Landon, who used to be an active child, started suffering from dizziness throughout the whole day.
Shocked parents Michael and Debbie have consulted scores of doctors to figure out the problem, they have taken him to 5 different American cities with top diagnostics departments. It yielded no tangible results as medics failed to find the cause.
Landon has lost weight from 47 kg to 30 kg in a year, and he continues losing about a kilo every week. The situation already seriously jeopardizes his life.
Landon’s parents try hard to encourage their son to eat, but all he manages is a bite of a sandwich at lunch and a few crisps.
According to medics of  Mayo Clinic in Rochester , the boy’s illness might the first case of its kind recorded worldwide.
The teenager has missed 65 days of school and his school life generally is far from being enjoyable, as he cannot play with his classmates dues to constant weakness.
To stop the process it might be necessary to insert a feeding tube soon to nourish Landon directly through the stomach.
One of the hypothesis suggests that the rare condition is connected with hypothalamus malfunctioning. Another expert believes the cause might lie in treatment he received 3 years ago for absence seizures, which was Depakote drug taken for 1 year.
The most famous case of VOLUNTARY food rejection is observed in India.
A holy man named Prahlad Jani is believed to have spent more than 70 years without eating and drinking after having  undergone a religious experience at the age of 11.
Prahlad Jani
Prahlad Jani has not had food and water for more than 70 years

He has been subjected to several strict studies for the scientists to see if he really deprives himself completely of food and water. He easily went through all the tests, and his body turned out to be a mystery for the doctors. Worth mentioning, that the Indian is currently 85.

SHOCKER: Actress Alleges That Bill Cosby Raped And Tortured Her Severally

An actress, Babara Bowman has made shocking revelations of how American comedian, Bill Cosby emotionally and sexually abused by her.
Bill Cosby
Bill Cosby
In a shocking report by Dailymail, the actress made it known how she was abused by the legend;. It would be recalled that just  few weeks ago, comedian Hannibal Buress accused the  TV legend, Bill Cosby of being a ‘serial rapist’ but not many took him seriously.

I was drugged and raped by that man, he is a monster. He came at me like a monster. My hope is that others who have experienced sexual abuse will not be intimidated into silence by the famous, rich and powerful. If I can help one victim, then I’ve done my job,’‘ Comedian Hannibal Buress had said.


Counting it all together, about 13 women have accused the American comedian and TV legend of rape and the cases were all settled out of court. However, another woman, actress Barbara Bowman has now proven Hannibal right by revealing how she was emotionally and sexually abused by legend Bill Cosby during her teenage days.
In her long revelation to the Daily Mail, she described in detail how Cosby manipulated her into believing he was a father figure and took advantage of her youth, vulnerability and yes, even ambition, to have his way with her over and over again.

“My motivation to speak now is to expose Bill Cosby as the animal that he is. He went after me in that hotel room like an animal with such sexual prowess and force that he couldn’t control himself. And at 19-years-old, I knew it would be the last time he would ever get the chance to hurt me this way again.”


Here are highlights of the shocking revelations she made about Bill 
It all began in 1985 when she was a fresh-faced 17-year-old when she was studying acting. “My agent told me Mr Cosby was scouting for young talent and that I’d have a shot to be groomed by him personally. I was eager to please. This could be my big break.
He was sexually attracted to her from first contact: “The first thing Mr. Cosby said when he met me in the conference room was, “I want you to go in the bathroom and wet your hair…then sit in this chair, shut your eyes and do an improvisation exercise with me.”
He wanted me to act completely drunk, wasted, while he stood behind me and stroked my neck and upper chest. He didn’t touch me beyond that, on that day, but that’s where it certainly started. Even though it felt off to do the exercise, I gave it my all. I’d learned from years of acting classes that I had to take direction. After all, I was in the presence of the most powerful man in America at that time. Dr Huxtable chose me!’
He showed her heaven on earth: “Whenever he’d be in Denver for work, he’d make it a point to meet me, give me acting lessons, and eventually this lead to him flying me all over the country to join him…He said it was all part of his assessment to see if I was worth mentoring and grooming. He wanted to see how I handled myself around celebrities. ‘I got the royal treatment. I’d fly to wherever he was. I was met at the baggage claim curb by his right-hand man. Then, I’d be handed off to Bill’s bodyguard, who would take care of me until Bill was ready to see me. I was always met by one of his men. I was never alone.’
He manipulated her: ‘He started working on my head right away. He knew I had no father figure in my life. He knew that. yes, I was an independent girl, but he knew I was vulnerable and alone inside. He coerced and manipulated me into trusting him. He insisted I give into him 100 percent.’ ‘By the time I was drugged and raped by him in New York, he’d already broken me down, brainwashed me and made me feel like there was something wrong with me if I resisted his sexual advances.
Bill would say that he needed to guide me, and that I must trust him. When he’d fill me in on my next itinerary to meet him, he would say, “You’re not going to fight me this time, are you?” He’d remind me that if I was going to be a successful actress, I’d have to break down my barriers and “learn to be vulnerable.” ‘I knew something was wrong, that this was a twisted situation, but if I resisted, I was failing him and failing my good fortune. He was a pot of gold and I needed to take good care of it.’
Earned her mum’s trust too ”My mother totally trusted him, too. She would have never let me into dangerous hands. She sent me off with her blessings. She wanted me to have these opportunities.’
The first time it happened: ‘He turned out all the lights. It was completely pitch black. He laid me down on the couch and started caressing and touching me all over. Then he put my hand on his penis, covering it with his hand. He had me masturbate him. I couldn’t see what was going on. When it was over, I ran out of the room and threw up. It was so invasive and frightening and humiliating. There was no way I could tell my mother. I couldn’t even admit it to myself. I tried to convince myself that I’d imagined it. That it was a one-time thing, that it wouldn’t happen again. And I was paralyzed with fear.
It happened more than once, there were times she’d push him away, but then she’d give in: It did happen again. Barbara calls it ‘the apartment incident.’ ‘He invited me to his New York brownstone for dinner. Staff was there. We ate in the kitchen. I had one glass of red wine with dinner. My next recollection is me, coming to, slumped over the toilet bowl, throwing up. I was wearing a man’s white t-shirt and my panties. The t-shirt was not mine.
Bill was standing over me, holding my hair out of my face as I threw up. I had no idea how I’d gotten there. I’d had one glass of wine with dinner. He was trying to soothe me with his words, “It will be okay. It’s okay.” ‘I know for sure he forced himself multiple times upon me and since he needed to create an environment in which I could not fight him, I can’t in all honesty say that I recall penetration because at that time I was in a vacant state of mind, as I was often drugged and brainwashed. Whatever drug he gave me, didn’t allow me to think clearly when it was over and done with. It didn’t register that I should be panicking. It was like amnesia almost. It was like what a lobotomy would do to you. I couldn’t even think clearly when I was awake. I was vacant.’
The last straw that broke the camel’s back: It occurred in Atlantic City, where Cosby was performing. He flew in Barbara to be with him… Then, Bill summoned me into his room. There, he berated me, “What the hell is the matter with you! How dare you have no discretion! You know you’re supposed to be discreet. You’ve embarrassed me. You were drunk. He freaked out that I disclosed to the concierge the fact that a 19-year-old girl was calling from his penthouse. He couldn’t handle it. He throws me down on his bed and jumps on top of me.
He used his forearm to pin me down by the neck. He was trying to unbuckle his belt and take down his pants. I’ll never forget the sound of the clinking of his belt buckle. He couldn’t get his belt off. I’m screaming for help and trying to wrestle out of his grip while he’s trying to get his belt off and he’s trying to pull my pants down at the same time. I couldn’t get out from under him. ‘I didn’t stop screaming. He realizes I’m not stopping. He finally gets to a point of frustration and decides it’s too much trouble and he doesn’t want to risk it. He gets off me and calls me a “baby.” That’s when he throws me out.
Though Barbara is now a successful abstract expressionist artist in Scottsdale, Arizona and a happily married mother of two, she admits to still being haunted by what Cosby did to her. ‘Those experiences live inside me. They take up space in my brain and altered the course of my emotional development and altered the course of my career.
Being assaulted like that made a huge impact on my ability to trust my own instincts, as well as others’ actions. It was a block I’ve been working to undo. And a block that Bill Cosby is solely responsible for creating.’
Hopefully Bill Cosby releases a statement soon to address these issue.

Freeze Of Cool Fm Allegedly Abandons Wife And 2Kids For Older Lover

Popular Cool FM radio personality, Ifedayo Olarinde, popularly known as Freeze has allegedly abandoned his wife and two kids for an older. LADY*

According to Yes International magazine, the marriage of popular on-air personality, Freeze has been said to be hitting the rocks soon as he is said to have abandoned his wife, Ope and their two kids for an older lover based in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
Freeze and Wife
Freeze and Wife
Yes International magazine made it known that the media personality who has a high taste for great wristwatches prefers the company of an older lover who lives in  in Port Harcourt and she is a mother of four. Although reports made it known that some of his friends have waded in, trying to get him to return to his family and straighten things up with his wife to no avail.

Furthermore, his pastor, Paul Adefarasin of the House On The Rock, has been said to have equally intervened, with it yielding no positive results. Yes International made it known that when Freeze was contacted before the story was published on Wednesday October 22, 2014, at exactly 1.57pm, he first queried whether that was the only reason Yes International called. And when Yes International responded in the affirmative, he said: “
You called to ask about the challenges in my marriage? Do you have work? Common!”When reminded that by calling him, we were doing our work, and professionally too, “Why can’t you talk about national issues? I think you should concern yourself more as a fellow journalist on finding out where the girls are. That’s Bring Back Our Girls. Go and face that one. There is nothing wrong. Okay! Everything is okay. Alright! I don’t discuss my family as a matter of principle. Good or bad, I do not discuss my family. Thank you”
The handsome media person who is in his 40s, is half Nigerian (Osun State) and half Romanian. He read Sociology at the University of Ibadan and began his broadcasting career in 1996 with BCOS, Ibadan.
He joined Cool FM in 2011. A colleague at BCOS decorated him with the moniker, DJ Freeze. He was said to be in year two when his path and that of his wife, then a Jambite, crossed at UI. Now, the unabashed collector of expensive timepieces and his love are unfortunately having challenges with their union. And a serious one at that.

It would be recalled that just recently, popular Nollywood actress, Ini Edo had a messy separation from her husband, with her bride price returned to her husband’s family


Tuesday 28 October 2014

Pastor Commands Babies In Pregnant Women’s Stomach To Dance....(watch video)

Controversial South African, Pastor Daniel Lesego of the Rabboni Centre is in the news again. But it has nothing to do with him making his church members eat grass.
This time it has to do with the Pastor commanding unborn babies to dance in their mothers' womb as a way of him demonstrating the relationship one has with God and the mystery of Christ.
In the video above pregnant women's bodies, apparently started moving after the pastor commanded the baby to dance and immediately stopped when he commanded to keep quite.

Truth Behind the Unidentified Creature Image

A photo that has gone viral around the internet of an unidentified sea monster has finally been revealed. This serpentine like creature as many people had speculated was indeed a photo-shop and now we have the original image and a comment by the creator of it.
**Scroll Down for Image Comparisons**



         Truth Behind the Unidentified Creature Image

“I actually created this image to accomany an article about sea serpents that I wrote for a blog page a few years ago. It was never intended to appear ‘real’, just to be fun. Some people here have said that the mouth is ‘obviously’ fake.
The mouth and teeth are actually real, and part of the deep-sea fish that I incorporated into the original shot, which was of some fishermen pulling in a net. Some other people have said that the head is connected to a real log on the beach, but the whole body is drawn in. Still, I’m pleased that it seems to have interested quite a few people.”

President Goodluck Jonathan Also Carries Bags Of Rice In Borno State..(SEE PICS)


In what many have classified as a hypocrisy-ladden publicity stunt, the Presidency released pictures and videos of the President GEJ carrying bags of rice in a relief camp in Maiduguri, an area that has been hard hit with the Boko-Haram insurgency.
Observers say that the President, who was in company of the Stomach Infrastructure Inventor, Mr. Fayose (who doubles as the Ekiti State Governor), both folded up their sleeves and off-loaded bags of rice from a waiting truck amidst tight security, mirroring the rice bag carrying tactics of revered Prophet T.B Joshua (who had no security).
Meanwhile, Opposition leaders have said that the President is just trying all means necessary to solicit votes from the electorate as political heavyweights prepare to slug it out for the 2015 Presidential Ticket.
This was countered by PDP media secretary, Oliseh Metuh, speaking to FNN, who said ” we have tested this theory scientifically as seen in Etiki state, ‘People + Bags of rice = Election Victory’, this is why we have brought in Fayose to assist the President carry out the tests on a larger scale”.
Following this, FNN received Unconfirmed reports have it that a four time Presidential Aspirant, GMB, is scheduled to drink “Kunu” with motorcycle riders and suya sellers with a view to “bonding” with them

Monday 27 October 2014

Airtel Android Data Plan Gives 4GB for 2k and 9GB for 3.5k

Airtel Releases another cool plan, the Airtel Android Data Plan that give android users hope of getting a cheaper plans as one can buy 4GB of data for N2,000 and also 9GB for N3,500 and that not all Airtel has for you. This data plans last for 2months, Yes!!! 60 days not the usual 30 days. Do you want to know how to get this done? read  on…
Airtel data plan, activation codes and prices of the data plansWhat I said the previous paragraph is amazing right? Yea its true but its in form of a promo program just like the 1 + 1 BIS plan but it will work on some Airtel sim, so I will strong suggest you should not jump at the offer now without know if your sim is eligible for the plan. So what is the way to know that your sim will work on the plan?

How to Verify Your Airtel Sim is Eligible for This Airtel Data Plan For Android

When you are verifying, I will suggest that you should not have up to N2,000 on your sim, so what you should do next is to try to subscribe for either for the 4GB or 9GB data plan which by dialing *437*1# and *438*1# respectively. Now when you dial any of the codes normally you should get a error message because you done have enough money on your sim so if you receive this “you do not have sufficient balance for this plan” then your sim is good for the plan BUT if you receive this “you are not qualify for this plan” then this can’t work on your Airtel sim.
So now that you know if your sim is eligible or not. so if your sim is good for the plan you can simply load the airtel for the plan  and follow the codes below to subscribe.

Airtel Android Data Plan Gives 4GB for 2k and 9GB for 3.5k

Data PlansPriceValidityActivation Code
Android 4GB planN2,0002 Months*437*1#
Android 9GB planN3,5002 Months*438*1#

How To Check Your Airtel Data Plan Balance

After successfully subscribing for any of the data plans and you want to check your data plan, all you have to do is

Dial *223#

Who will keep the flag waving (NIGERIA)



The grounds on which General Buhari is being promoted as the alternative choice are not only shaky, but pitifully naive. History matters. Records are not kept simply to assist the weakness of memory, but to operate as guides to the future. Of course, we know that human beings change. What the claims of personality change or transformation impose on us is a rigorous inspection of the evidence, not wishful speculation or behind-the- scenes assurances. Public offence, crimes against a polity, must be answered in the public space, not in caucuses of bargaining. In Buhari, we have been offered no evidence of the sheerest prospect of change. On the contrary, all evident suggests that this is one individual who remains convinced that this is one ex-ruler that the nation cannot call to order Buhari? Need one remind anyone – was one of the generals who treated a Commission of Enquiry, the Oputa Panel, with unconcealed disdain. Like Babangida and Abdusalami, he refused to put in appearance even though complaints that were tabled against him involved a career of gross abuses of power and blatant assault on the fundamental human rights of the Nigerian citizenry. Prominent against these charges was an act that amounted to nothing less than judicial murder, the execution of a citizen under a retroactive decree. Does Decree 20 ring a bell? If not, then, perhaps the names of three youths – Lawal Ojuolape (30), Bernard Ogedengbe (29) and Bartholomew Owoh (26) do. To put it quite plainly, one of those three Ogedengbe – was executed for a crime that did not carry a capital forfeit at the time it was committed. This was an unconscionable crime, carried out in defiance of the pleas and protests of nearly every sector of the Nigerian and international community religious, civil rights, political, trade unions etc. Buhari and his sidekick and his partner-in-crime, Tunde Idiagbon persisted in this inhuman act for one reason and one reason only: to place Nigerians on notice that they were now under an iron, inflexible rule, under governance by fear. The execution of that youthful innocent for so he was, since the punishment did not exist at the time of commission – was nothing short of premeditated murder, for which the perpetrators should normally stand trial upon their loss of immunity. Are we truly expected to forget this violation of our entitlement to security as provided under existing laws? And even if our sensibilities have become blunted by succeeding seasons of cruelty and brutality, if power itself had so coarsened the sensibilities also of rulers and corrupted their judgment, what should one rightly expect after they have been rescued from the snare of power. At the very least, a revaluation, leading hopefully to remorse, and its expression to a wronged society. At the very least, such a revaluation should engender reticence, silence. In the case of Buhari, it was the opposite. Since leaving office he has declared in the most categorical terms that he had no regrets over this murder and would do so again. Human life is inviolate. The right to life is the uniquely fundamental right on which all other rights are based. The crime that General Buhari committed against the entire nation went further however, inconceivable as it might first appear. That crime is one of the most profound negations of civic being. Not content with hammering down the freedom of expression in general terms, Buhari specifically forbade all public discussion of a return to civilian, democratic rule. Let us constantly applaud our media those battle scarred professionals did not completely knuckle down. They resorted to cartoons and oblique, elliptical references to sustain the people’s campaign for a time-table to democratic rule. Overt agitation for a democratic time table however remained rigorously suppressed military dictatorship, and a specifically incorporated in Buhari and Idiagbon was here to stay. To deprive a people of volition in their own political direction is to turn a nation into a colony of slaves. Buhari enslaved the nation. He gloated and gloried in a master-slave relation to the millions of its inhabitants. It is astonishing to find that the same former slaves, now free of their chains, should clamour to be ruled by one who not only turned their nation into a slave plantation, but forbade them any discussion of their condition. So Tai Solarin is already forgotten? Tai who stood at street corners, fearlessly distributing leaflets that took up the gauntlet where the media had dropped it. Tai who was incarcerated by that regime and denied even the medication for his asthmatic condition? Tai did not ask to be sent for treatment overseas; all he asked was his traditional medicine that had proved so effective after years of struggle with asthma! Nor must we omit the manner of Buhari coming to power and the pattern of his corrective rule. Shagari’s NPN had already run out of steam and was near universally detested except of course by the handful that still benefited from that regime of profligacy and rabid fascism. Responsibility for the national condition lay squarely at the door of the ruling party, obviously, but against whom was Buharis coup staged? Judging by the conduct of that regime, it was not against Shagaris government but against the opposition. The head of government, on whom primary responsibility lay, was Shehu Shagari. Yet that individual was kept in cozy house detention in Ikoyi while his powerless deputy, Alex Ekwueme, was locked up in Kiri-kiri prisons. Such was the Buhari notion of equitable apportionment of guilt and/or responsibility. And then the cascade of escapes of the wanted, and culpable politicians. Manhunts across the length and breadth of the nation, roadblocks everywhere and borders tight as steel zip locks. Lo and behold, the chairman of the party, Chief Akinloye, strolled out coolly across the border. Richard Akinjide, Legal Protector of the ruling party, slipped out with equal ease. The Rice Minister, Umaru Dikko, who declared that Nigerians were yet to eat f’rom dustbins – escaped through the same airtight dragnet. The clumsy attempt to crate him home was punishment for his ingratitude, since he went berserk when, after waiting in vain, he concluded that the coup had not been staged, after all, for the immediate consolidation of the party of extreme right-wing vultures, but for the military hyenas. The case of the overbearing Secretary-General of the party, Uba Ahmed, was even more noxious. Uba Ahmed was out of the country at the time. Despite the closure of the Nigerian airspace, he compelled the pilot of his plane to demand special landing permission, since his passenger load included the almighty Uba Ahmed. Of course, he had not known of the change in his status since he was airborne. The delighted airport commandant, realizing that he had a much valued fish swimming willingly into a waiting net, approved the request. Uba Ahmed disembarked into the arms of a military guard and was promptly clamped in detention. Incredibly, he vanished a few days after and reappeared in safety overseas. Those whose memories have become calcified should explore the media coverage of that saga. Buhari was asked to explain the vanished act of this much prized quarry and his response was one of the most arrogant levity. Coming from one who had shot his way into power on the slogan of discipline, it was nothing short of impudent. Shall we revisit the tragicomic series of trials that landed several politicians several lifetimes in prison? Recall, if you please, the judicial processes undergone by the septuagenarian Chief Adekunle Ajasin. He was arraigned and tried before Buhari’s punitive tribunal but acquitted. Dissatisfied, Buhari ordered his re-trial. Again, the Tribunal could not find this man guilty of a single crime, so once again he was returned for trial, only to be acquitted of all charges of corruption or abuse of office. Was Chief Ajasin thereby released? No! He was ordered detained indefinitely, simply for the crime of winning an election and refusing to knuckle under Shagari’s reign of terror. The conduct of the Buhari regime after his coup was not merely one of double, triple, multiple standards but a cynical travesty of justice. Audu Ogbeh, currently chairman of the Action Congress was one of the few figures of rectitude within the NPN. Just as he has done in recent times with the PDP, he played the role of an internal critic and reformer, warning, dissenting, and setting an example of probity within his ministry. For that crime he spent months in unjust incarceration. Guilty by association? Well, if that was the motivating yardstick of the administration of the Buhari justice, then it was most selectively applied. The utmost severity of the Buhari-Idiagbon justice was especially reserved either for the opposition in general, or for those within the ruling party who had showed the sheerest sense of responsibility and patriotism. Shall I remind this nation of Buhari’s deliberate humiliating treatment of the Emir of Kano and the Oni of Ife over their visit to the state of Israel? I hold no brief for traditional rulers and their relationship with governments, but insist on regarding them as entitled to all the rights, privileges and responsibilities of any Nigerian citizen. This royal duo went to Israel on their private steam and private business. Simply because the Buhari regime was pursuing some antagonistic foreign policy towards Israel, a policy of which these traditional rulers were not a part, they were subjected on their return to a treatment that could only be described as a head masterly chastisement of errant pupils. Since when, may one ask, did a free citizen of the Nigerian nation require the permission of a head of state to visit a foreign nation that was willing to offer that tourist a visa? One is only too aware that some Nigerians love to point to Buhari’s agenda of discipline as the shining jewel in his scrap-iron crown. To inculcate discipline however, one must lead by example, obeying laws set down as guides to public probity. Example speaks louder than declarations, and rulers cannot exempt themselves from the disciplinary structures imposed on the overall polity, especially on any issue that seeks to establish a policy for public well-being. The story of the thirty something suitcases it would appear that they were even closer to fifty – found unavoidable mention in my recent memoirs, YOU MUST SET FORTH AT DOWN, written long before Buhari became spoken of as a credible candidate. For the exercise of a changeover of the national currency, the Nigerian borders air, sea and land had been shut tight. Nothing was supposed to move in or out, not even cattle egrets. Yet a prominent camel was allowed through that needles eye. Not only did Buhari dispatch his aide-de-camp, Jokolo later to become an emir- to facilitate the entry of those cases, he ordered the redeployment as I later discovered – of the Customs Officer who stood firmly against the entry of the contravening baggage. That officer, the incumbent Vice-president is now a rival candidate to Buhari, but has somehow, in the meantime, earned a reputation that totally contradicts his conduct at the time. Wherever the truth lies, it does not redound to the credibility of the dictator of that time, General Buhari whose word was law, but whose allegiances were clearly negotiable. On the theme of double, triple, multiple standards in the enforcement of the law, and indeed of the decrees passed by the Buhari regime at the time, let us recall the notorious case of Triple Alhaji Alhaji Alhaji, then Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance. Who was caught, literally, with his pants down in distant Austria. That was not the crime however, and private conduct should always remain restricted to the domain of private censure. There was no decree against civil servants proving just as hormone driven as anyone else, especially outside the nation’s borders. However, there was a clear decree against the keeping of foreign accounts, and this was what emerged from the Austrian escapade. Alhaji Alhaji kept, not one, but several undeclared foreign accounts, and he had no business being 
in possession of the large amount of foreign currency of which he was robbed by his overnight companion. The media screamed for an even application of the law, but Buhari had turned suddenly deaf. By contrast, Fela Anikulapo languished in goal for years, sentenced under that very draconian decree. His crime was being in possession of foreign exchange that he had legitimately received for the immediate upkeep of his band as they set off for an international engagement. A vicious sentence was slapped down on Fela by a judge who later became so remorse stricken at least after Buhari’s overthrow that he went to the King of Afro-beat and apologized. Lesser known was the traumatic experience of the director of an international communication agency, an affiliate of UNESCO. Akin Fatoyinbo arrived at the airport in complete ignorance of the new currency decree. He was thrown in gaol in especially brutal condition, an experience from which he never fully recovered. It took several months of high-level intervention before that innocent man was eventually freed. These were not exceptional but mere sample cases from among hundreds of others, victims of a decree that was selectively applied, a decree that routinely penalized innocents and ruined the careers and businesses of many. What else? What does one choose to include or leave out? What precisely was Ebenezer Babatope’s crime that he should have spent the entire tenure of General Buhari in detention? Nothing beyond the fact that he once warned in the media that Buhari was an ambitious soldier who would bear watching through the lenses of a coup-detat. Babatope’s father died while he was in Buhari’s custody, the dictator remained deaf to every plea that he be at least released to attend his father’s funeral, even under guard. I wrote an article at the time, denouncing this pointless insensitivity. So little to demand by a man who was never accused of, nor tried for any crime,much less found guilty. Such a load of vindictiveness that smothered all traces of basic human compassion deserves no further comment in a nation that values its traditions. But then, speaking the truth was not what Buhari, as a self-imposed leader, was especially enamoured of enquire of Tunde Thompson and Nduka Irabor both of whom, faithful to their journalistic calling, published nothing but the truth, yet ended up sentenced under Buhari’s decree. Mind you, no one can say that Buhari was not true to his word. Shall tamper with the freedom of the press swore the dictator immediately on grabbing office, and this was exactly what he did. And so on, and on, and on………lets all be vigilant it helps alot...................#holy_nation

Saturday 25 October 2014

iOS 8.1 tips and tricks: See what your iPhone and iPad can do now

Article Apple news
iOS 8.1 tips and tricks: See what your iPhone and iPad can do now iOS 8.1 is out and with it you get a host of new features, tips and tricks. We've worked our way through the operating system to try and bring you as many of the new features as possible to allow you to get as much out of the new software on your phone without having to upgrade to the new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus.
Most of these tips are new to iOS 8, but we've also included some gems from iOS 7 that you might not have found yet. Either way we can be sure to promise that there should be plenty here for new users and power users alike to get the most out of the new operating system when they upgrade their current iPhone or switch to the new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus.
We'll be keeping an eye on things as they roll out and if you've got any tips of your own that we've not covered please feel free to add them to the comments below.

Mail for iOS tricks

Mark as Read: In your inbox swipe from left to right to reveal a "Mark As Read" icon. If it's a conversation you will have to do this for as any time as there are unread messages.
More, Flag, Trash: Swiping from right to left reveals quick actions to let you do a number of things. More brings up a secondary menu to let you reply, forward, flag, mark as unread, move to junk, or notify you of future messages in this conversation while Flag and Trash let you do just that.
Quick delete (Trash): If you do a continual swipe from right to left on an email in the inbox it will delete it without you having to swipe and then tap delete (Trash).
Changing the swipe options: You can also change what happens when you swipe left or right in Settings. Go Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Swipe Options and then set your Swipe Left command and your Swipe Right command. Options are limited, but it is something.
Minimise email you are working on: If you are mid composing or replying you can now drag that email to the bottom of the screen so you can still access the rest of your inbox. To do this press ad hold on the title of the email at the top and drag towards the bottom. To get it back, just tap on the parked email.
Reply notifications: If you are waiting for a specific response from an email and don't want to have to keep checking your phone every two minutes you can opt for iOS 8 to notify you. In any message you've received tap on the Flag icon at the bottom left of the screen and then select Notify Me. Confirm your decision and when they reply you'll know about it. To send an email with a notification alert already one it, select the bell icon in the subject line.
Time Zone override: The Time Zone Override when on will let you always show event data and times in the selected time zone. When off, events will display according to the time zone of your current location. If that sounds like something you want go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendar > Time Zone Override and toggle away.
Build out your contacts book: When you get get a mail from someone and they've got a signature, Apple now reads that information and asks you whether you want to add it to a contact. If you don't you can choose to ignore, but if you do, press on the Add to Contacts button at the top of the screen.
Unread emails: Finally you can now see how many unread emails you've got. Go to Mail > Mailboxes > Edit and select Unread.
VIP, Flagged, All Sent, To or CC, Attachments, All Drafts: You can also do the same for a host of other folders to for the first time. Go Mail > Mailboxes > Edit and select which ones you want.
Change Flag style: Yep you can change the Flag Style from flags to circles if that gets you excited. Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Flag Style.
Search: Drag down in your inbox to reveal a search box. You can now search your entire inbox for a keyword rather than just To, From, Subject. You can also limit your search to All mailboxes or the current mailbox you are in. Furthermore you can also limit it to conversation threads.
Mark all as read: You can now mark all as read in Mail. Yay. In a mailbox, or the combined inbox, you just tap "Edit" at the upper right, then tap "Mark All" at the lower left. Then choose "Mark As Read" from the pop-up menu and all your messages should be marked as read.

General iOS 8 tips

Find battery guzzling apps: Apple doesn't specifically tell you which apps are using the most memory, but it does allow you to check which apps have used the most battery over the last 24 hours or 6 days. Go to Settings > General > Usage > Battery Usage. Here you'll be able to see if a certain app has been used more than others. That might help change how you use that app.
Standard or Zoomed: On the iPhone 6 and iPhone you can change the display setting from Standard or Zoomed. To switch between the two if you've changed your mind after setup go to Settings > Display > Display Zoom and select Standard or Zoomed.
Set the brightness: It's now moved from Wallpapers & Brightness to Display and Brightness.
Text Size and Bold Text: To change the default text size and whether you want all fonts to be bold to make the easier to read go to Display & Brightness > Bold Text.
Favourite and recent people: Double tap on the home button to reveal the app tray. Above your apps you'll see circles of the people you've recently talked or messaged with. Swipe to the left to reveal your Favourites. Pressing on their face (or icon) reveals shortcuts to call, message, FaceTime, and FaceTime Audio them.
Disable Favourites and contacts showing in App Switcher: Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendar scroll down and toggle "Show in App Switcher". When you go back to the App Switcher mode they will have gone.
10-day forecast in weather: Go to weather, and on any city swipe up. You now get to see the 10 day forecast as well as additional information like a mini weather forecast for the day, sunrise and sunset times and the chance of rain.
Hey Siri: To get siri working by just shouting at it rather than pressing a button go to Settings > General > Siri > Allow "Hey Siri". A word of note you will need to have it connected to a power source for it to work.
Choose a new wallpaper: New wallpapers to be had in the Settings > Wallpaper.
Setting up Do Not Disturb: If you travel a lot to different time zones it's probably a good idea to schedule your iPhone to go into to Do Not Disturb mode. Go to Settings > Do Not Disturb and then schedule in a time. We've set ours from midnight to 6am. During that time all calls and alerts will be silenced. If you are worried that you might miss an important call you can set the phone to allow calls from Favourites or repeated calls if someone is calling more than once in a three-minute window. You can now in iOS 7 set it so the Do Not Disturb works only when you've got the phone locked or all the time regardless of what you are doing. Handy if you are in the middle of a presentation.
Creating nested folders: It's a glitch, but it does work if you are timely. Create a Nested folder by dragging one app icon on to another one. Then quickly drag that folder into an existing folder. If you are not timely enough, keep trying and you should achieve a nested folder.

More from Safari in iOS 8 

DuckDuckGo: If you want to set DuckDuckGo as your default search engine over Google, Yahoo, or Bing, go to Settings > Safari > Search Engine and select the private friendly search engine as the default.
Auto suggesting websites: Like Safari on the desktop you can have the iPhone or iPad Safari recommend suggested search results as you type. It's on as default but if you don't want it, go to Settings > Safari > Search Engine Suggestions and toggle the feature off.
Auto suggesting apps: Likewise as you type in popular app names into the Safari search url box Apple will try and match that with apps you either have or might want. It's on as default, but if you want to turn if off go to Settings > Safari > Spotlight Suggestions.
Getting the website link quickly: Settings > Safari > Quick Search will determine whether Safari offers up website matches or not for you.
Making websites load faster or saving your data: Safari in iOS 8 preloads the first hit of the search result to make loading your choice seem quicker. The downside is that this could use up data. If you want to turn it off go to Settings > Safari > Preload Top Hit and turn it off.
Searching on page: If you are looking for a specific word on a page, simply start typing that word into the URL bar at the top of the page. The results will show you the google search results first but if you scroll down it will show you "On This Page" and let you jump through the mentions of that page.
Scan your credit card: Rather than having to type all your details you can now use the camera to scan your credit card. When it comes to entering the credit card details either press to auto fill if you are already using that feature with Keychain, or press it and then select Use Camera on the next menu you get.
Swipe forwards and backwards: Swiping from off the screen on to the screen from the left of the screen goes back through your browsing history while swiping from the right of Safari goes forward through your browsing history.

Getting Handoff and Continuity to work

Enabling Handoff between iOS 8 devices: Go to General > Handoff & Suggested Apps and then toggle the box.
Accessing Handoff apps: On the Lock Screen press the app icon in the bottom left corner or if you are using the phone already, double tap the Home button and swipe left to reveal the app page to the left of the home screen.
Stopping your iPad ring when someone calls your iPhone: One of the new features of iOS allows you to take calls on all your devices regardless. To stop you feeling like you are in the last scene of lawnmower man where all the phones ring at once go to Settings > Face time and turn iPhone cellular calls ring.
Allowing SMS messages on your Mac: To do this you need to enable the feature on your iPhone. Make sure you are running iOS 8.1 and then go to Settings > Messages > Text Message Forwarding. Find your Mac or iPad you want to allow access and pair the two devices with a security code. You’ll now be able to see and send Text messages via the desktop.


No thank you to certain apps: If you don't want apps requesting access to the Health app, turn them off by going to Settings > Privacy > Health
See which apps are giving data to Health: Go into the app and click on the Sources icon at the bottom

iOS 8 Keyboard tricks

Adding Emoji keyboard: Go to Settings > General > Keyboards > Keyboards > Add New Keyboard. Scroll down and select the Emoji keyboard (it's after the Dutch keyboard) - :)
Adding third party keyboards: Install the app and follow the instructions in the app. At some point it will ask you to go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards and add the third-party keyboard.
Accessing additional keyboards beyond Emoji: If you have more than three keyboards installed the keyboard will show a globe icon next to the spacebar. In any app that has a keyboard tap on that globe icon and then again to reveal the next keyboard you've got installed.
Hiding or showing auto suggestions on QuickType keyboard: The new Apple keyboard shows word suggestions on what you type. If you don't use this you can hide it to give you more space on the screen. gently press and hold at the top of the auto-suggest bar and drag it towards the top row of keys. You can bring it back by dragging up from the top of the keyboard if you change your mind.

iOS 8 Messages tips

What time?: See when a message was sent by dragging the message bubble to the left.
More: Pressing and holding on a message will bring up a Copy and More menu. Select more and you can delete messages you don't want to show. Sadly it doesn't delete it at the receivers end though.
Quick photo: If you are talking on iMessage you can press and hold the camera icon to reveal a new menu. Swipe up to take a picture or left to record a video.
Quick Voice message: If you press on the new mic button on the right of the text box you can start recording a verbal message. Lift your finger to stop to reveal a playback button. Once happy either swipe up or tap the arrow to send it or swipe left or tap the x button to cancel.
Details: To see more information about the sender press the word Details at the top right of the screen. It will allow you to send your current location or your constant location.
Mute someone: If someone is constantly badgering you, go into a message from them, press Details, then toggle on the Do Not Disturb button. This works for SMS as well as iMessages.
See attachments: Go into a message from them > Details > and scroll down to reveal all the attachments you've sent them via iMessage.
Delete messages: As before swiping from right to left in the Messages hub and you can quickly delete a conversation.
Delete older messages automatically: Settings > Messages and then scroll down to Message history. Here you can Opt to keep Messages forever, 1 year, or 30 days.
Automatically deleting audio or video messages: Apple by default sets it so once you've sent an audio message it will delete from your iPhone or iPad after two minutes. If you want to keep the message go to Settings > Messages and scroll down to Audio Messages or Video Messages sections and toggle the Expire setting.
Raise to listen to audio messages: It's on by default but you can turn off the ability to listen and reply to incoming audio messages by raising your phone. To turn it off go to Settings > Messages and toggle Raise to Listen.
Blue vs green: Blue is for iMessages, green is for SMS messages
Send iMessage as SMS: If you are having trouble sending your iMessages (over data) you can opt to have iOS 8 revert to sending the message as a SMS instead. Go to Settings > Messages and tick the relevant box.

iOS 8 iCloud tips

Turn on iCloud Drive: Go to Settings > iCloud > iCloud Drive. Here you can control which apps have access to your iCloud drive and whether or not they can use Cellular / Mobile Data.
Manage your Storage: Settings > iCloud > Storage. From here you can see how much storage you have, how much you have left, and whether you want to buy any more.
Family Sharing: Rather than have your iTunes account on all your family's iPhones and iPads you can now set up Family Sharing for up to 5 people. Go to Settings > iCloud > and follow the set up procedure.
Secure iCloud Keychain Access: Go to Settings > iCloud > Keychain and select the Approve with Security Code to add an extra layer of protection to your passwords.
Send last location so you can find it even when the phone is dead: Apple's added a cool hidden feature that will automatically send the last know location to Apple when your battery is critically low. Even if the battery dies as you've lost the phone behind the back of the sofa you can still at least have some idea where it got to.

iOS 8 Notifications tricks

Quick Reply: When a notification comes in depending on whether its enabled by the developer you can reply there and then without having to open the specific app. To do this pull down the notification to reveal the actions you can take. iMessages for example let you reply there and then.
Delete notifications from the Lock screen: If it's a notification from an app simply swipe from right to left and then press the x button.
Delete or Mark as read: Without even opening your phone you can also delete or mark as read emails. Swipe from right to left to reveal both options.

iOS 8 Photos tips

Time-Lapse something: A new setting in the camera app for iOS 8 is the ability to create a time-lapse video with little to no effort. To do this swipe sideways in the camera app to reveal the Time-Lapse mode. Once you've worked out what you are going to film press the red record button. Don't for get it speeds everything up so you should film for at least 30 seconds to see the effects.
Slow-Mo at 240 fps or 120 fps: The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus allow to now record at 240 fps in Slow-Mo mode. If that's too slow you can revert back to the 120 fps first introduced in iOS 7. Do to this tap on the 240 fps icon when in Slow-Mo mode.
Record video at 60 fps: If you've got the new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus Apple offers you the chance to record 1080p at 60fps but turns it off by default. To turn it on go to Settings > Photos & Camera > Record Video at 60 FPS and turn it on. To switch between 30 fps and 60 fps click on the icon in video mode when you go to record.
AE/AF Lock: To change the exposure or the focus of your shot, tap anywhere on the screen and it will change instantly. To lock that exposure or focus (great for dramatic panoramas) press and hold on the screen until the square box "locks in".
Changing exposure on the fly: Once you've found your focus point (the big yellow square) in the Camera app press on the small sun icon and swipe up or down to change the exposure setting. Up to make it brighter, down to make it darker.
Activating Timer mode: In the Camera app there is no a small stop watching looking icon next to the button that lets you switch cameras from front to rear. press it and then select whether you want it on, 3s or 10s. Once on when you take a picture you will get a count down on screen so you can see when its about to snap the shot.
Burst Mode: Users can snap photos in Burst mode by either holding their finger on the shutter or on the volume key to take a burst of photos as the action happens. Once you've taken a Burst of photos you can then choose your favourite one, although iOS 7 will try to do this for you. To select the one you want, press Favourites, and then select the one you want to use. The one Apple has chosen is represented by a grey circle underneath. To delete a photo Burst go to Photos select the photo Burst (it will look like it has two further images stacked behind it) and press on the delete key. It will ask you whether you want to delete all photos from this Burst, click on the red words "Delete Photos".

Photo tips for iOS 8

Editing photos: Find the photo you want and press the Edit button. Here you can press on the wand (as before) to auto enhance your photo or press on the icon that looks like a volume knob with dots around it. The later will bring up three new sub menus: Light, Color, B&W with various granular settings within them. If you select Light you can then gesture left or right to make the picture lighter or darker.
Straightening your photos: You can now quickly and easily straighten your photos. To do so select the cropping tool in Photos > Edit and then move the dial that appears on screen.
Search Photo albums: Go to the Photos app and press on the magnifying glass. Immediate suggestions include narrowing your image results by Nearby, One Year Ago, and Favourites however you can type in lots of different searches like places or months. All the shots I've taken in March in London please.
Upload Photo Bursts: Settings > iCloud > Photos > Upload Burst Photos. Doing this will back up all the photos in the burst rather than just the favourite one.
Favourite your favourite photos: If you've got photos that you want to mark to show others quickly later rather than searching or scrolling for them you can favourite them instead. To do this simply find the image you want to favourite and press the heart button. To find them quickly to into the Photos app and press on the Albums icon at the bottom right in the Moments view. Then select Favourites.
Better viewing Shared activity: Turn the phone or iPad sideways. It looks nicer.
Quickly finding a photo in Years: To quickly scan the hundreds of images you've taken over a year simply press and hold your finger on the screen and run it over the images you've got. Like scanning through a YouTube video, moving your finger will reveal a quick thumbnail of the pictures you've taken.
See where you took a photo: In the Moments page in Photos tap on the location of where the collection of photos was taken and you'll be able to see on a map where in the world you were when you took it.
Hide a photo: Find the photo you want to hide from Moments, Collections and Years, and do a long press on the photo itself. When the option comes up to hide, select that option and then confirm your choice. The phone is still available by Albums.
Turn on iCloud Photo Library (Beta): To turn on the new iCloud Photo Beta Library feature that will mean all your photos are automatically uploaded and backed up to the iCloud go to Settings > Photos & Camera and then toggle the iCloud Photo Library (Beta) option. To get more info on what it does and how to take advantage of it read our Apple iCloud Photo Library in Beta explained: What is it and how does it work? feature.

Friday 24 October 2014

9 BEST Galaxy S5 tips, tricks and secret features

How to get the best from your Samsung Galaxy S5 with our tips and tricks guide

Samsung's Galaxy S5 is one of the best Android smartphones you can buy today, but with so many new features, software customisations and pre-installed apps it can be a bit of a challenge for first time users. Even those of you that have used a Galaxy handset before could be missing out on some hidden gems. That's why we've put together this list of tips and tricks to give you some help with your new phone.
We're starting with the more basic stuff first, but will be adding more advanced tricks soon, so be sure to check back if you need some help.

1. Protect your data with the fingerprint scanner

The Galaxy S5 was one of the first Android smartphones to arrive with a fingerprint sensor, even if Apple's iPhone 5s actually got there first. It's a brilliant way to secure the handset and ensures no-one can use it should you lose it or some scallywag nabs it. Switch it on by going to Settings > Personalisation > Finger Scanner, and following the instructions. We used both thumbs and an index finger, which lets us unlock the phone from virtually any angle, but you can use any three fingers based on your personal preference.
Samsung Galaxy S5 heart rate sensor

You'll also have to type in an alternate password, just in case the fingerprint sensor can't recognise your print. Once saved, you'll have to swipe your finger over the home button after waking the phone up from sleep in order to get beyond the lock screen.

2. Sign up for Samsung's freebies

The Galaxy S5 includes a huge selection of free bonus software that you're entitled to simply for buying the phone; a free Sky Now TV Movies pass, twelve months of Endomondo Premium, six months of Deezer music streaming and a free Amazon Kindle eBook every month are just a few of the highlights.
You'll have to set up a Samsung account first. Once you're set up, open the MyGalaxy app and sign in, then swipe from the left of the screen and tap "exclusive offers'. From here you'll see all the currently available offers, and you can start downloading them right from the app.

3. Don't run out of juice with Ultra Power Saving mode

There are plenty of things you can do to help make the Galaxy S5's battery last longer, including switching off NFC Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and Location reporting if you aren't using them, using Auto Brightness to let the phone dim the screen based on the amount of ambient light, and turning the display timeout down to a shorter interval, but Samsung's two power saving modes are your best bet for squeezing extra hours out of your remaining juice.
Regular Power Saving mode, enabled by going to Settings > Power Saving > Power Saving, will lower the processor clock speed and dim the screen even further than the lowest brightness setting. You can also set it to restrict background data, preventing apps from using 3G or 4G when the phone is in your pocket, and enable greyscale mode to make the AMOLED screen even more power efficient. You should get severalextra hours of use, although it won't be quite as nippy because the CPU is running at a reduced speed.
Samsung Touchwiz Ultra power saving mode
For those long weekends, festivals and trips abroad where you won't have access to a power socket, you'll want to use Ultra Power Saving to get you through. Enabled by going to Settings > Power Saving > Ultra Power Saving, this automatically switches the phone into greyscale mode and limits which apps you can open. You can still phone and text, and even use the internet, Facebook and Twitter, but that's pretty much it; you can't take pictures, can't listen to music and can't watch video. With less than 10% battery remaining, we went an entire extra day before needing to find a plug socket.

4. Turn off Touch Sounds to spare your sanity

As much as we love the Galaxy S5, we can't stand some of the bleeps and bloops it makes out of the box. That's why one of your first moves should be to disable touch sounds, so you don't have to put up with incessant "drip" noises whenever you tap the screen. Head to Settings > Sound and untick the Touch Sounds box. You can also turn off Sound When Tapped under Samsung Keyboard to silence the keys when typing.

5. Take screenshots with a swipe

It's easy enough to take a screenshot on a Galaxy smartphone, and the S5 is no different; simply press and hold the power button and home button at the same time for a full second. You'll hear the camera shutter sound, the screen will flash white and the image will be saved to your camera roll. There is second way, but you'll need to enable it first.

Palm swipe to capture works exactly as shown in the image above; simply drag your entire palm across the screen and the phone will automatically save a screenshot. To turn the feature on, go to Settings > Motion > Motions and Gestures > Palm Swipe to capture. Enable it with the toggle at the top and you're good to go.

6. Keep your gloves on in winter by increasing touch sensitivity

The Galaxy S5 lets you turn up the screen touch sensitivity, which lets the phone detect inputs even if you're wearing gloves. It's perfect when you have to send a text or make a call outside in the winter, and only takes a second to switch on. Head to Settings > Display and tick Increase Touch Sensitivity. it doesn't drain the battery and won't make a difference for normal use, so you can easily leave it on permanently.

7. Get fit with S Health

Samsung's S Health fitness tracker is a lot more than a simple step counter; it can count calories, track your weight and monitor your sleeping patterns, as well as map running routes or even calculating how stressed you are, but to get the benefits you'll need to sign up and create a profile. This means tapping in your age, gender, height, weight and general level of fitness, and tying it to a Samsung account, but it should only take a minute or two.
Galaxy S5 S Health

Once you're set up, don't forget to enable the pedometer and add a widget to your home screen; you'll be able to see how many steps you've taken at a glance. If you're looking to lose weight, it can be a real help to make a food diary, using the camera and food database to look up the calorific values of particular ingredients or even whole meals, with most major brand names and UK supermarket own-brands represented.
It's through S Health that you'll be able to use the heart rate sensor on the back of the handset to track your pulse, although it's not as convenient as using the HRM built into Samsung's Gear 2  and Gear Fit wearables.

8. Put the shortcuts you use most within easy reach on the notification panel

The Galaxy S5 has one of the most complicated Settings menus we've seen on Android, as Samsung insists n reskinning as much of Google's operating system as it can manage. You can avoid having to visit it too often by putting your most frequently used toggles and features on the Quick Notification panel. Open it up by swiping down from the top of the page, tap the square-looking icon in the top right corner to expand the panel and tap the pencil icon to edit it.
From here, you can drag the active buttons to rearrange them, swap them with the Available buttons to put them on the front row, or drag unwanted buttons out to simplify the menu. You can also turn off the brightness adjustment slider and disable Samsung's Recommended Apps buttons which appear based on what apps you have open at any given time.

9. Get the best from your headphones with AdaptSound

The Galaxy S5 has a nifty built-in sound test that lets you calibrate your pair of headphones for the best performance. AdaptSound plays a series of beeps at varying frequencies in each ear, and all you have to do is tap yes or no to indicate whether you can hear them. Only the very best in-ear headphones and people with exceptional hearing will be able to hear them all, as high and low frequencies are often the first to go as your hearing degrades with age, but once you've finished audio should sound punchier and have tighter bass.

To use AdaptSound, open the Samsung Music app, tap the three dots in the top right corner and then tap Settings. From here, tap AdaptSound and follow the instructions. Make sure you're in a quiet place, and that your headphones are firmly sat in or on your ears depending if you're using in-ear or on-ear cans. When you're finished, you can preview the before and after before hitting save.

How to put your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch in DFU mode

What is DFU mode?

If you want to get into jailbreaking (or already have), one of the things you’ll want to know how to do is to put your device into DFU mode.  DFU stands for Device Firmware Upgrade and you’ll be sure to see this term again and again in the jailbreaking community.
DFU mode is a state that allows you to put your iPhone to interface with iTunes, but does not load iOS operating system or boot loader. That’s the main difference between DFU mode and recovery mode.

What is DFU mode used for?

DFU mode can be used for multiple things including upgrading firmware, downgrading firmware, and even rebooting your tethered jailbroken device. So, here’s a step by step tutorial on how to do it.

How to enter DFU mode:

  • Plug your device into your computer
  • Turn off the device by holding the Sleep/Wake or Power button and swiping it off
  • Hold the power button for 3 seconds
  • Begin holding the Home button without releasing the Sleep/Power button for 10 seconds
  • Release the power button and continue holding the home button until you get a popup from iTunes that your device is recognized as being in recovery mode.

That’s it, you’re in DFU mode.  If you get stuck in DFU mode and need to get out, just hold the power button and home button simultaneously until the Apple logo appears.
Here’s a video walkthrough on how to put your iOS device in DFU mode below:

This process works for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad so no matter what iOS device you’re using you can use this tutorial.
Broken Home or Power button:
If you’ve a broken power or Home button then check out this tutorial to put your iOS device in DFU mode.
How to exit DFU mode:
If you want to exit DFU mode, hold down the Sleep/Wake or Power button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
Let us know how it goes in the comments.
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Saturday 27 September 2014

See Who Maheeda Is Making Love To While She Waits For Davido [See Photo]


A while back, controversial music star wannabe, Maheeda called out to pop star Davido that she has him in her sights and would be willing to get laid by him.   And as it stands, Maheeda is still on his case, but while waiting for Davido to give her a favourable response, she recently shared a picture of the she is currently getting down with plus the caption, tagging the young man as the ‘food’ she is dealing with now.

Maheeda said:
‘Na this food I dey chop now….. As I wait for Davido. I don finish dat mouth with kiss! My boyfriends dem set!’

TB Joshua releases new footage of Synagogue building collapse

Untitled (1)Just received this article from freelance journalist, Ihechukwu Njoku. He wrote it. Apparently there's new footage showing the building collapse that killed 115 people. Find it below...
Maintaining his controversial stand that the tragic collapse of a building at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) was an ‘attack’, T.B. Joshua has released new security footage of the incident through Emmanuel TV’s official YouTube channel. The new footage from a security camera stationed in the church premises shows the bottom of the building as people walk innocently around the environment. Suddenly, a huge plume of smoke is seen coming from the side of the building, bystanders running for dear life as the collapse occurs in mere seconds.

A still picture at the end of the shocking footage shows the extent of the disaster with ‘floors piled on top of each other’. Through a Facebook post, the embattled cleric reiterated that, while co-operating with the ongoing investigation into the cause of the fatal collapse, “The church views this tragedy as part of an attack on The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations.” The SCOAN had earlier warned media not to pre-empt the investigation with ‘unconfirmed stories’ that ‘give the impression the collapse was due to structural failure’.

"I left my marriage because it was full of lies' Uche Ogbodo opens up

download (6)Actress Uche Ogbodo's marriage ended a few months after it was contracted..while she was pregnant. Speaking to Vanguard about it, Uche said her marriage ended because it was full of lies.
"My marriage was full of lies. I cannot tell you in detail what those lies were, if that’s what you’re trying to make me do but it was based on lies. It’s a pity it didn’t work out. I didn’t go into the marriage to crash it. I wanted a family; I wanted a loving home and a loving husband. That was why I went into it in the first place but as nature would have it, I didn’t get any of those. I still thank God my head is intact."

Was it really a marriage? 
It was a marriage but we didn’t do any wedding. We didn’t do any court marriage or church wedding. We did nothing. We didn’t even do traditional marriage but in my culture, there are many processes to getting married and I did a few of those, so you can say I was married. In Igbo land, there are rites you adhere to before you can say this is my wife and I did a couple of them.

Why did you do the rites in secret? 
You cannot do rites openly; it’s just a family thing, family members only. It’s not a traditional wedding. If I had done traditional wedding, I would definitely invite people. If I had done a white wedding, I would have invited people. If I had done a court marriage, I would still have invited people but it was just rites. I didn’t do anything the public needed to know, so you can’t say I did any marriage in secret.

Did he cheat on you? What exactly did he do? 
No, it’s not about women. Like I always say, you cannot build a home on sinking sand. You need to build a home on a rock. What I mean is that a marriage built on deceit and lies is no marriage at all. If you want a solid marriage, it must be built on honesty and trustworthiness. If not, it’s definitely going to crash. If it doesn’t crash today, it will crash tomorrow, so the lies are my reasons.

When did you discover he was lying to you? 
Well, it was good while it lasted; he was a good man to me. I felt all I saw was all I was supposed to see but later when one thing led to another and things started unfolding. I started finding out that everything was not what it seemed. Every relationship, you have problems in-between, there is no relationship that just goes on smoothly. In the process of friendship and dating, we had issues that we resolved but when we took it to the next level we just couldn’t hold it together. There are things you can hide as friends but as married couple it is impossible because so many other things like families are involved. As his girlfriend some things that were hidden were revealed when I became his wife. What happened between me and my husband is between me and my husband. We caused it, both of us caused it.

For how long were you guys together? 
The marriage lasted barely a month before we started having issues. We were having issues before I found out I was pregnant.

Are you planning to raise your child as a single mother?
When I don’t have a husband, I’m raising her alone. I can’t throw my child away. It’s not her fault that the marriage didn’t work out, it’s not her fault that I got pregnant, it’s not her fault that we didn’t take our marriage seriously, so I’m going to raise her no matter what happens.

What attracted you to your husband before you married him?
I saw something in him that nobody had ever seen. I saw a man that was a good man inside his heart. It’s not like when you’re looking at him everything is perfect but I saw that deep down somewhere, there’s a good man. Without the influence of society, he would have been different. I blame it on society and I blame it on him. He allowed things to influence but he was born a good man and I thought I could bring that goodness out in him. I thought that I could change something and make it better. I tried but it didn’t work out.

Was it completely his fault that your marriage crashed? 
It’s our fault. We shouldn’t have allowed our marriage to crash. I wouldn’t know my mistakes; he would tell you my mistakes. Maybe I was a little too much to handle, maybe that’s why but I wouldn’t know until he tells you his own side of the story.

Some people were saying you got into the marriage because of money? 
I didn’t get into the marriage because of money in the first place. I got into the marriage because I wanted to be married and because I saw something in him that I felt would work out for me later in life. I didn’t go into it because of money; there were no millions to spend so it wasn’t about money. I don’t care what people say. What matters is the truth and I try to be very straightforward when I deal with people. So, it wasn’t about money because there was none

Others are saying you left him because of his brain tumor? 
He doesn’t have brain tumor. He was sick at the time, he had issues but his sickness is not the reason why our marriage crashed. Money was not the issue either. I would definitely know about his health status before I would marry a man. I knew what I was going into, so how could I just leave a man because he had a brain tumor? It’s funny You said he didn’t have a brain tumor, what was really wrong with him? I cannot tell you, he would tell you. He was sick, he was treated but it had nothing to do with the brain. He had surgery but it was not brain tumor, it was not cancer, he was just sick and I thank God that he’s alive. I don’t know why people just wake up and conclude things out of the blue; you don’t know these people from Adam, you just read about people and then you go and comment rubbish. You write rubbish to tear people’s lives apart even when you know nothing about their issues.

Is he still in hospital?
He’s not in hospital; he has never been in the hospital. I don’t know why that picture came up, that picture you saw online was taken like last year December

Was your husband with you when you were pregnant?
No, he wasn’t. We were having issues, we weren’t together. He didn’t see me pregnant for one day