Sunday 24 August 2014

I Worship A God Who Answers Me – Brantly, Ebola Survivor

download-22After getting discharged from the hospital, Dr. Kent Brantly has come out and thanked supporters for their prayers.

UmGYKbjolxkhSjHlQ6QEVfDU I Worship A God Who Answers Me – Brantly, Ebola Survivor
Kent Bradley
He and a fellow aid worker was taken to the US for treatment three weeks ago from Liberia where they contracted the disease,according to BBC.

He said: “Today is a miraculous day, I am thrilled to be alive, to be well, and to be reunited with my family. As a medical missionary, I never imagined myself in this position.
“When my family and I moved to Liberia two years ago, Ebola was not on the radar. We moved to Liberia because God called us to service in Liberia.”

He revealed that after his family returned to the US, he stayed back to help treat the Ebola patients and then one day he woke up feeling “under the weather”.

Brantly said he lay in bed for nine days, getting progressively sicker and weaker. On August 1, he was flown to Atlanta for treatment at Emory.

He said, “I cannot thank you enough for your prayers and your support, but what I can tell you is that I serve a God who answers prayers


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