Tuesday 9 September 2014

Photos: Homophobic Attacker Left Hammer Embedded in Skull of Flatmate

18 year old Connor Huntley (pictured above) was found by medics with a hammer embedded in his skull after his homophobic flat mate, 21 year old Joseph Williams attacked him with a hammer as he slept in their 2-bedroom apartment in Kent, UK. After the attack, Williams called 999 and confessed to the horrific attack.

“I don’t know how to say this but he’s dead in my flat. I hit him on the head with a hammer in his sleep.” Williams told the operator

Doctors say Connor is lucky to survive the assault (pic of his x-ray with the hammer in his head), but he now suffers from epilepsy and has been robbed of his independence.

Main Hammer Photos: Homophobic Attacker Left Hammer Embedded in Skull of Gay FlatmateConnor Huntley Photos: Homophobic Attacker Left Hammer Embedded in Skull of Gay FlatmateConnor Huntley1 Photos: Homophobic Attacker Left Hammer Embedded in Skull of Gay FlatmateConnor Huntley0 Photos: Homophobic Attacker Left Hammer Embedded in Skull of Gay Flatmate


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